Toast Points: The Week of April 18th, 2014 -The Toast

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changeling2-217x300What did I really like this week?

1. History’s smuggest brides. “BITCH, I GOT MINE.”

2. Emily V. Gordon on what she’s learned about relationships from her time as a therapist.

3. Mallory’s AMAZING guide to pre-Code movies:

Baby Face, 1933 – This is very much the kind of movie that comes to mind when one thinks of the classic pre-Code film. It’s just sex from start to finish. Barbara Stanwyck sleeps with everybody, and also murders at least one guy, and ends up marrying a bank president, because there are no consequences when you’re hot as shit.

4. The state of abortion access in New Brunswick.

5. “Throw away whatever pet you currently have and take a look at this.”


7. We ran this long thing about John Green sponsoring an English football team which is apparently very good.

8. More Ronbledore. I can’t fight it. I don’t want to.

9. And then this story is bananas and I adore it.

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