Toast Points For The Week of May 30th -The Toast

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hprandHey, let’s never forget that this was the week where I learned a woman makes a bit over ten times what I make a month writing Bigfoot porn. I do not begrudge her a sou; all women should be millionaires. But I do need to figure out how to get on her level, and that right quick.

Ever since this story went up I’ve been softly muttering “goddamn lesbian werewolf bullshit” to myself.

And then it was you’re not a real lesbian this and how can she be a witch without menstrual blood that, and I was just done with it.

I’m like, really, guys? You change into fucking wolves once a month based on your “beautiful cycle” and this is what you can’t comprehend?

Goddamn lesbian werewolf bullshit.

Canadian flags! Canada: a land of flags.

Everybody loves Jane Austen jokes. Everybody. Ditto more general snipes at the English novel (love you, English novel!!!)


“How is Draco’s superior purchasing ability qualitatively different from my superior Snitch-catching ability?”

How to wait with purpose.

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