A Glossary For Common Acronyms In Parenting Forums -The Toast

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Love-You-Forever-mom-holding-sonBF = bullfighting

DH = Don Henley (everyone is married to Don Henley)

BFP = big fucking prince (if a big fucking prince appears in your house)

MIL = mops in living room

DD = Dudley Do-Right

DF = death fog

MOH = Master of Hessians

DPO = don’t party outdoors

EC = emergency cheese

FTM = fuck the man

HKOP = High King of Prydain

EBF = emergency breakfast fries

EFM = evil fairy murder

SAHM = Satan and Hecate mating

TCOYF = Take care of your face

AWL = A witch lingers

CIRC = Circe, queen of witches

MIL = moms in love

LAM = Lamia! Achren! Morgana le Fay!

BD = baptismal destruction

IBLCE = I bless lesbians constantly, everywhere

VBAC = viscounts, barons are coming

STTN = stop! titties, titties, no!

CIO = capitalism is over

ERF = every raven, fornicating

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