Immediately Buy This Book For Your Friend’s Baby -The Toast

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I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mallory for having bought my kids this book two years ago. It is literally the greatest book for babies ever, and there are only a few left in stock so GET ON A WAITING LIST OR SOMETHING.

I will now explain why it is so perfect. Then you can tell me what YOU buy for babies.

71a7xtImOuL._SL1024_First of all, it is full of vibrant, lovely colors.

Secondly, each page has a different pet’s tail that your baby can grab and chew on.

Thirdly, it’s so SWEET: “I love my bunny, with his wobbly bobbly tail.” “I love my fish, his tail goes swish-swish.”

Fourthly, your friend’s baby already has nine copies of Goodnight Moon.

Fifthly, the book CRINKLES, it is a CRINKLY book and it’s so great.

Okay, tell me what books for babies (or other baby presents!) you love most.


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