Recommended Reading (and Viewing) for our Clueless Friends -The Toast

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Home: The Toast

Previously in this series.



On Beauty and Being Just, Elaine Scarry

Tiny Beautiful Things: Advice on Love and Life from Dear Sugar, Cheryl Strayed

Self-Help, Lorrie Moore

“The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception,” Theodor Adorno & Max Horkheimer

The Drag King Book, J. Jack Halberstam

Selfie, Kim Kardashian

Emma, Jane Austen



Bad Feminist, Roxane Gay

Les Guérillères, Monique Wittig

The Future of the Image, Jacques Rancière

Wuthering Heights, Emily Brontë

Coco Before Chanel, dir. Anne Fontaine



Slouching Towards Bethlehem, Joan Didion

Just Kids, Patti Smith

NW, Zadie Smith

She Had Some Horses, Joy Harjo

Bringing up Baby, dir. Howard Hawks



Lunch Poems, Frank O’Hara

Berlin Stories, Christopher Isherwood

How to Be Gay, David M. Halperin

Lady Sings the Blues, Billie Holiday

I am Spartacus! Making a Film, Breaking the Blacklist, Kirk Douglas

L’Amour Fou, dir. Pierre Thoretton



Maggie: A Girl of the Streets, Stephen Crane

Dreams From My Father, Barack Obama

This is How You Lose Her, Junot Díaz

Inherent Vice, Thomas Pynchon

Girl in a Band, Kim Gordon

Blue, Joni Mitchell



A Coney Island of the Mind, Lawrence Ferlinghetti

Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Friedrich Nietzsche

Letters to a Young Poet, Rainer Maria Rilke

Artificial Paradises, Charles Baudelaire

Dogtown and Z-Boys, dir. Stacy Peralta



Capital, Karl Marx



This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate, Naomi Klein

Collected Essays, James Baldwin

The Rings of Saturn, W.G. Sebald

City by City: Dispatches from the American Metropolis, ed. Keith Gessen and Stephen Squibb

Welcome to the Desert of the Real, Slavoj Žižek

Hamlet, William Shakespeare

Jacquelyn and Ronjaunee teach English at UCLA. Ronjaunee usually writes about feminine singularity and Jacquelyn usually writes about alphabet books. Their mutual passions are television, cheese, Lacan, and Madame Sosostris.

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