Toast Points for the Week of October 2nd -The Toast

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Our quest to transform The Toast into a Hamilton fanpage continued apace this week with Nicole’s ode to Leslie Odom, Jr. and Kendra James’ reflection on the show’s themes and timeliness. How lucky we are to be alive right now!

A Linguist Explains the Grammar of Shipping!

I talked to Arissa Oh, American historian and Friend of The Toast, about the history of Korean adoption and what it can teach us about the rise and decline of international adoption more generally, as well as racism and immigration and cultural assimilation and white entitlement. READ IT. (Also, if you have ever thought or even remotely care about intercountry adoption and the reasons behind it, you should check out Arissa’s excellent book.)

Shirley Jackson’s House Hunters:

Doug and Elisa take a few minutes to talk about their options.

“What did you think of the first house?”

“It was a house without kindness, never meant to be lived in, not a fit place for people or for love or for hope. Exorcism cannot alter the countenance of a house; Hill House would stay as it was until it was destroyed. And the wallpaper was really dated.”

when only Prudie can help you

Fanta Sylla on Viola Davis:

After The Help she bravely declared that she was done playing maids. There is nothing more threatening than a Black woman saying “I refuse.” A Black actress saying no takes risks as she does not have the privilege to refuse roles knowing, to borrow Ms. Davis own words, the “deficit” of roles for Black women in Hollywood. But this is something that Viola Davis has been doing for a few years now. Making her dreams, desires and needs clear. By saying “no” she is not burying or giving up on her career. On the contrary, she’s reviving it.    

“Facing off against machete-wielding psychopaths is a young woman’s game. Relax and let us take care of you.”

you made one big mistake when you came up for a stealth embrace, pal
you left my scything hand free

Aunt Acid and Businesslady — The Toast’s Advice Dream Team — advised a letter-writer whose coworker keeps talking to her about her religion.

If Nigella Lawson were your girlfriend, your sweat would smell like vanilla extract.

just screamed and screamed and screamed

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