Look At My New Flamingo Wonderland -The Toast

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Home: The Toast

I recently moved and now we are in the *nesting* phase, and one huge thing off our list is to make this beautifully tacky wall for our flamingo print. We finally tackled it on Saturday because there was a blizzard on, and I am just pleased as peaches with how this turned out and I wanted to share. Look at this ridiculous thing! It’s in my apartment! I work right next to it can can imagine I live the kind of life where everything I drink is out of a pineapple!

My husband and I did this together with a stencil, and though we’re both creative and artistic, neither of us is particularly crafty, so let that be an inspiration to any of you who feel like having a home full perfectly mismatched china and quirky needlepoints and those chairs that are somehow made of books is out of reach. Get a friend and some paint and go nuts. What sort of paradise do you want your home to look like? Don’t you agree more homes should include flamingoes? Who wants to come over for rum drinks and taking selfies in front of this?

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