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“Mooooom why won’t she play balllllll with meeee.”

You knew I was going to link to the beach girl behind the Beach Boys:

Early in 2015’s Love & Mercy, a film based on the life of Brian Wilson, a foxy blonde in cat’s-eye sunglasses addresses the Beach Boys leader. “Hey, Brian? I think you might have screwed up here,” she says, gesturing to the sheet music with her pencil. “You’ve got Lyle playing in D, and the rest of us are in A major. How does that work? Two bass lines in two different keys?”

As she often was in real life, that blonde bassist Carol Kaye is the lone woman in the studio, and the only female member of an informal, unheralded lineup of talent — drummers, guitarists, percussionists, piano, and horn players — that you hear on the Beach Boys’ legendary Pet Sounds. She’s also on a jukebox’s worth of hit songs from the ’60s: Ritchie Valens’s “La Bamba,” Nancy Sinatra’s “These Boots Are Made for Walkin’,” Simon & Garfunkel’s “Scarborough Fair,” to name a few.

This is deeply wrong, and heartbreaking:

Eighteen-year-old Yefri Sorto-Hernandez was waiting at a school bus stop at 6:20 a.m. when an unmarked white Ford pulled up. Two U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents got out of the car. They were wearing jeans, vests, and guns.

The agents asked Yefri, who is from El Salvador, about his identity. Yefri’s school bus arrived while he was being handcuffed. The agents led him to their car as other students on the bus watched the scene unfold. They took Yefri to an immigration detention center, where he continues to await his deportation proceedings.

Yefri is just one of hundreds of teenagers arrested by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents so far this year, as the Obama administration has carried out extensive immigration raids focused on targeting Central Americans who crossed the border after January 2014. Yefri was swept up in a raid known as Operation Border Guardian that took 336 people into custody.

Stories like Yefri’s have recently made national headlines in part because they appear to contradict ICE’s own policies. Immigration agents have typically agreed to avoid arresting teens at “sensitive locations” such as churches, hospitals, and schools. Field officers are supposed to exercise discretion in these cases to avoid causing “significant disruption to the normal operations of the sensitive location,” according to a 2011 policy memo.

Cherished Friend of the Toast Morgan Jerkins is going to be back at her alma mater of Priiiiinceton Uniiiiiversity this Saturday to talk to undergraduate student leaders about work, diversity, and leadership tactics, so if you’re in the area, do NOT miss it. More info here!

Equally cherished Friend of the Toast Carvell Wallace on Thelonious Monk:

Everything about Monk’s life and work suggests a person unconditionally committed to the world in his head. Even in his poorest days, he never left the house unless cleanly appointed in a pressed suit and tie accessorized with an array of ascots, wild glasses, and funny hats. But while magazines and movies ran with this cartoon version of the scatting hep cat, Monk’s visage was authentically acquired, a product of his unceasing creativity. This desire, indeed, was what drove his offbeat and mesmerizing compositions. Early pieces like “Well You Needn’t,” with its spastic call and response, was laid out on a bed of chromatically rising and falling tones; “In Walked Bud,” a raucous tribute to best friend and mentor Bud Powell; and the Monk standard “Round Midnight,” which managed to fashion purposeful dissonance into a kind of slowly rollicking ethereal bliss, all stood out as pieces well ahead of their time. Not only musically, but in shape and meaning. In vibe. A vast cosmic wink permeated all of Thelonious Monk’s work. You never knew if he was crazy, or if he was just trolling you.

Rembert on “The Art Of Pandering To Your Non-White Audience”:

I, for one, truthfully don’t care that Hillary has hot sauce in her bag. And Ireally don’t care about the proof that Hillary has, in fact, loved hot sauce for years. I honestly couldn’t care about anything less. There is nothing on planet Earth I care about less than the number of years Hillary Rodham Clinton has enjoyed hot sauce.

But there is something sneakily significant in these moments of perceived “pandering” — something both Clinton and her Democratic opponent Bernie Sanders have been guilty of and unfairly accused of during their campaigns. It’s just another reminder that everyone is in a rat race to successfully appeal to non-white people. (Even Donald Trump tries to tout his relationship with “the blacks.”) And it’s not just black people who are being cozied up to — that was just Monday’s program — it’s all racial and ethnic minorities. This should not come as a surprise: There are few things more appealing to politicians — not to mention media companies, brands, Hollywood, really everyone with the possible exception of David Duke — than tapping into the natural and growing resource of “non-white.”

The trouble is doing it well. Rarely does anyone do it well.

If I ever meet this man, I will FULL ON facepunch him, because there is “oh maybe chemtrails” and then there is “HARASSING SANDY HOOK FAMILIES WITH YOUR BULLSHIT”:

This light sentence comes as the result of a plea deal. The judge “suspended a one-year prison sentence,” which Mills would have served for harassing the late Soto’s sister. TPM reports that “Mills was accused of approaching a sister of slain Sandy Hook Elementary School teacher Victoria Soto during a charity race in November and angrily claiming the shootings never took place.”

So, one of the stupidest things in the whole world is this little cabal of snowboarders in Utah who think they are Rosa Parks bc there are TWO RESORTS out of eight resorts where you can only ski, not snowboard, so these little punks got all hepped up and claimed FOURTEENTH AMENDMENT RIGHTS to try to get Alta to let them bring their stupid snowboards in, and some lawyer was like “sure I’ll take your money” and obviously they lost:

The snow sports advocacy group Wasatch Equality, snowboarders Rick Alden, Drew Hicken and Richard Varga and snowboarding pro Bjorn Leines filed suit in January 2014 against Alta and the forest service, arguing that the ban has no place on public land.

The suit claimed the snowboard prohibition was the result of animus “towards the type of people they believed to be ‘snowboarders.’ ” The boarders alleged they were being irrationally discriminated against and deserved protection under the 14th Amendment to the Constitution, which historically has been used in cases involving discrimination based on race, gender or sexual orientation.

“wasatch equality” oh my god get a life

this is nightmarish, and normal employers will NOT contact your current boss:

I’m currently employed but am exploring the possibility of moving to a different part of the country and have recently been putting out applications. As it turns out, a resume I sent to one company made it into the hands of someone who used to work with my current boss. Without speaking to me at all, this person contacted my boss to ask about me. My resume clearly states that I am currently employed (and where), and I state that references are available upon request. Today my boss called me in to let me know this woman contacted him, and that he hoped I wouldn’t leave.

I am furious. I cannot believe this woman had the audacity to respond to my application by contacting my current employer, and not me. Thankfully my boss has been good about it so far, but it obviously could have gone the other way, and who knows what’s being discussed behind closed doors. My boss mentioned the company where this woman works, and I noticed she had recently looked at my LinkedIn profile. To top it off, as of now she hasn’t contacted me for an interview. If she did, I’m not sure I’d want to go due to the blatant unprofessionalism displayed thus far, but if I did decide to go, I’m not sure how I should react. Should I bring it up? If in the end she doesn’t contact me for an interview, what on earth was she trying to do by contacting my boss??

Domestic felicity is the MOST important thing to me in the whole world and I desperately want this person to move out and find a more chill situation that reflects her own personality:

Q. Avoiding my roommate: I’m a grad student rooming with a friend. After moving in, our friendship became stressed. While she is a lovely, sensitive person, she is not always punctual about paying her half of the utilities or respecting agreements (notably, we had agreed that I could bring my dog up from my family home and she changed her mind the night before). The biggest issue, though, is that she’s much more chatty than I am. She knocks on my door at random times to have brief conversations. She’s also frequently upset about something I did or didn’t do, or something I didn’t anticipate she would need. We’ve talked about this in the past, but this dynamic keeps creeping into our interactions. My best friend has an empty room in her house and has offered to let me crash there for a few weeks. I’m inclined to take her up on the offer. How do I tell Roommate I’m moving out without offending her? I do like her as a friend, and she frequently looks to me as a source of emotional support. How do I respectfully sever ties without ending our friendship?

This is everything journalism should be:

Boaty McBoatface was too beautiful to live. He was a rare and precious flower, simply not cut out for these ugly times. We created Boaty McBoatface. We created him after our own image, in a rush of optimism, deluding ourselves that he was ever worth a damn. Boaty McBoatface was a perfect idea in an imperfect world. He was all that we were not. He was strong. He was resolute. Truly, he was Boaty McBoatface.

Boaty McBoatface is dead. The government killed him.

Actually, that’s an exaggeration. The government has strongly hinted that it’s about to kill Boaty McBoatface, for it understands that vanquished hope is a more powerful tool than relentless despair. Present the people with an idol, then smash it before their eyes. Soon they will learn that resistance is futile, and the state’s power is absolute.

u are wrong:

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