The Toast Looks Back: The Best of The Dirtbags -The Toast

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Dirtbag Hamlet

A GHOST appears.
GHOST: have you ever listened to Sublime
HAMLET: [makes j/o motion]

Dirtbag The Tempest

Dirtbag Macbeth

Dirtbag Romeo and Juliet

Dirtbag Othello

Dirtbag Winston Churchill

Dirtbag Ethan Frome

Dirtbag Jason and the Argonauts

Dirtbag Athena

Dirtbag Theseus

Dirtbag Zeus

Dirtbag Apollo

Dirtbag Hera

Dirtbag Dionysus 

Dirtbag Aphrodite

Dirtbag Medea

Dirtbag Beowulf

Dirtbag Henry IV

Dirtbag Ezra Pound

Dirtbag Arthur Rimbaud

Dirtbag Lord Alfred Douglas

Dirtbag Tess of the D’Urbervilles

Dirtbag Teddy Roosevelt

Dirtbag John Milton

The Dirtbag Wars of the Roses

Dirtbag Louis XIV

Dirtbag Aslan

Dirtbag Karl Marx

Dirtbag Paul Atreides

A Wrinkle in Time: Dirtbag Mrs Whatsit

Dirtbag Encyclopedia Brown

Dirtbag Little Women

Dirtbag Anne of Green Gables

Dirtbag Phantom Tollbooth

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