ByDaniel Mallory Ortberg

Mallory is an Editor of The Toast.

  1. Previously: Every French novel ever. 1. Fleeing The Impoverished, Drunken Countryside For Dublin 2. The Estate Decays 3. A Man Laughs Unhappily 4. We Do Not Speak That Name In These Parts, Stranger 5. The Landlord Pays A Visit But Does Not Sit Down 6. The Boy Sickens 7. THE ENGLISH 8. Poor In Material Goods But Rich In Sweeping Vistas Of The Hills And Also The Sea, My Son 9. Do You Know What Would Be Very Sad? So Many Things; Let's…

  2. Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow. Forever. DON'T LISTEN TO MEN. Don't listen to them in your inbox, don't listen to them with your ears, don't listen to them on television, and don't listen to them in Impressionist masterpieces. Don't do it.



    Marc Bolan once had a TV show in the 1970s that ran for six episodes. Here is episode four; as best as I can tell it's just a series of music videos that blur into one another. The name of the show was MARC, which I think is just wonderful.


    The Supreme Court unanimously struck down the law that bans protestors from going within…

  4. Until last night, I had never heard of 1983's Class, starring Rob Lowe and Andrew McCarthy. Until last night, I thought the only movie about sleeping with someone's mom was The Graduate, LIKE A CHUMP. The Graduate sucks eggs and Class rules. You should watch Class and never watch The Graduate ever again. Class and The Graduate both attempt to answer the same two central questions, namely Is It Rad To Sleep With A Lady Who Is 40 and Were The 1960s Any Good,…

  5. Last night, federal agents seized longtime Bay Area sex work advertising network MyRedBook, arresting the editors and disabling the site in the process as part of an ongoing sex work sting. Longtime Bay Area based escort/massage advertising website MyRedBook seized by FBI. — Melissa Gira Grant (@melissagira) June 25, 2014…

  6. Previously in this series: How to tell if you're in a Thomas Hardy novel. You hate Katharine Hepburn, but the story of how much you hate her has rather outgrown the reality of your original dislike. It's a great zinger, though. You deliver a cruel pun to someone you barely know while wearing a fur coat. You are at a party where you hate everyone in attendance. You are having a marvelous time. People compare…

  7. Stage I - Initiation "I remembered my friend's birthday, which is good." Friend, are you troubled by persistent waking blackouts? Do you tremble and shudder and flicker out of consciousness when asked to recall basic facts about your acquaintances? Does your right eye fill with blood whenever you have to try to remember your PIN? Let Lumosity patch over those mysterious missing blank spots in your sick and addled mind.

  8. "Pretty soon I learned some lingerie truths: older women only buy black pants and the "returns" counter was a perfect place to experience the ­British middle class attempting to get in touch with their anger."

  9. Lena Horne Rita Moreno Marilyn Monroe Dolores del Rio…

  10. Previously: Every Russian novel ever. 1. The Emptiness And Banalities Of Rural Life Are Disgusting 2. The Baroness Is Seduced 3. The Student's Slow, Painful Disillusionment Takes Place Over A Marvelous Nine-Course Banquet 4. A Casual Remark Drives The Gendarme To Suicide 5. An Anti-Semitic Aside 6. A Young Woman Cynically Eats A Pheasant 7. A Mid-Level Bureaucrat Tells A Harmless Lie That Results In The Death Of Dozens…

  11. i keep drinking but it's not making him more interesting what yes i'm still listening you were talking about that  i'm just resting my eyes ahhhahahhaha that is so good that is so funny that is so funny and good  no I've never heard that before from you ahh sorry i just i really need to look at this matchbook right now  sorrryyyy…

  12. Ta-Nehisi Coates is a chum of the Toast and an all-around jet-setting, aces kind of dude. He writes very smart things and I think he's just tremendous. But I had a question for him. .@tanehisicoates ok be 100% honest have you ever put on a big peacoat and whisper "I'm Ta-Nehisi COATS" to yourself in the mirror — Mallory Ortberg (@mallelis) June 18, 2014 Turns out yes!…

  13. Everyone who attended Dave Chapelle's Block Party, ten years later.


    Fish-eating spiders "pretty common." That is so nonchalant! Were scientists chewing on stalks of hay as they made that announcement? "Yeah, there's...there's a bunch of 'em, so look out, I guess."




  14. The good news is that you don't ever have to watch a silent movie if you don't want to, so this is entirely optional. No one should have to watch anything; this is why the best kind of romantic relationships are the ones where you both look at each other and smile guiltily and one of you says "Want to watch [thing we love] instead of [thing we've been meaning to get around to watching]?" and…