Two Monks Inventing Things

  1. Previously in this series: Two Monks Invent the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. Ah, gentlemen. I see we're all here and on fire in time for the meeting. Shall we begin? MONK #1: hey what does it look like when two people who love one another hug MONK #2: oh god just awful, it looks awful like one of 'em is a knife just splitting into the other one's skin MONK #1: dang…

  2. This post brought to you by Michael, a seven-eyed dog from Brooklyn. Previously in this series: Two monks invent medieval art. It doesn't really work for monks to appear in this installment of the series, seeing as how the influence of the Catholic Church on popular art movements had really waned by 1848, but I've already committed to the general conceit, so.  MONK #1: ok wow what should we draw what should we drawww everybody's…

  3. Previously in this series: Two monks invent cartography. MONK #1: oh hey what did St. Mark look li-- MONK #2: tornado with a face on it MONK #1: what happens to your body when you hide behind a curtain what's the best way to draw that, I can't get it quite right MONK #2: it disappears entirely MONK #1: really! MONK #2: just...mmp. Vanishes. you pretty much just turn into a…