Posts tagged “body horror”

  1. Originally.

    Limp, the body of Gorrister hung from the pink palette; unsupported—hanging high above us in the computer chamber; and it did not shiver in the chill, oily breeze .

  2. Previously: Scientists are casually ruining mice's brains. "Researchers have found a way to make see-through mice, but you won't find these critters scampering in your kitchen. The transparent rodents aren't alive and they're for research only, to help scientists study fine details of anatomy. Before they are treated with chemicals, the animals are euthanized and their skin removed. Researchers made their inner organs transparent, but not their bones." "What's wrong, Carol?" "What?" "I…

  3. Earlier this week a bug flew into my ear, and it died there. Before it died, it was alive, inside of my ear. Something was inside of my head that was not me. It moved inside of my head, and I felt it and I heard it all at once. Have you ever seen a fly trapped between two panes of glass? It buzzes and whines and flings itself frantically about without ceasing. It will…

  4. TIP #1: It's impossible to eat too many eggs. Ignore the smell. TIP #2: "Maybe" means Yes. "I don't deserve you" means Yes. "How did you get in my house" means "Describe how many sons and dogs we'll have, then Yes." "No" means "Imprison my father in a bedlam hospital, then we'll talk." Gaston doesn't understand consent when it comes to weddings and he sure as hell doesn't understand consent when it comes to voluntary…

  5. You may have heard the phrase “body horror” used to describe a genre focused on producing terror and disgust by doing gruesome things to bodies. A lot of V.C. Andrews’s work falls into this category. Physical discomfort is a huge part of her work. There's a lot of painful childbirth and missed meals. And who can forget the scene in Flowers in the Attic when Cathy wakes up to find her grandmother has covered her…