Song Lyrics Improved By Cats -The Toast

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Home: The Toast

Almost certainly one of the silliest things I have ever done.

our house
is a very very very fine house
with two cats in the yard
with three cats in the yard
with nine cats in the yard
wait the ca

cats know what cats want
cats know what cats like
cats know what cats want
cats want
cats want cats

cat’s in the cradle and the silver cat
little cat boy and the cat on the moon
when you coming home cat
i don’t know, cat

is this cat real life
is this cat fantasy?
cat in a landslide
no catscape from reality

plenty of cats at the hotel catifornia
any time of year
you can find cats here

got cats
in pocket
gonna make cats, make cats, make cats
make cats notice

And I was standing on the side of the road
cats falling on my shoes
Heading out for the East Coast
Cats knows I’ve paid some dues getting back
Tangled up in cats

Oh, cats going on
Cats going on
Yeah, cats going on
Ah, cats going on

okay that’s it there’s no more of this post to read, please share the songs you think would be improved by the liberal addition of “cats” in the lyrics below, in the comments.

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