Let’s Talk About Our First Internet Memories -The Toast

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Home: The Toast

When I went to college there was no YouTube (the blogger said to her grandchildren). Instead, we had to find videos in weird corners, or download actual files. It was chaos. Anyway, I was thinking of this because I saw one of those ripoff Pop Tarts ads and remembered the brilliance of “Rejected.”

< https://youtu.be/MuOvqeABHvQ >

If you haven’t seen this, I’m sure you can see it was the type of thing that a group of 18-year-olds would quote back and forth to each other in lieu of actual conversation for at least a year and a half. Which was a huge departure from high school, where we were quoting Teen Girl Squad and Trogdor the Burninator. Or middle school, where I just hung out in AOL chatrooms trying to find a boyfriend like in You’ve Got Mail.

Anyway, tell me about the weird things you remember from when you were first on the internet! And then we can join together for a rousing rendition of “We Like The Moon.”

Image via Homestar Runner

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