Link Roundup! -The Toast

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Home: The Toast

This weekend I learned that a zoodle is a zucchini noodle. Happy Monday, folks.

Rose George has written a really interesting book, 90% of Everything, about the shipping industry. The first chapter totally got me. If I wasn’t so peculiar about travel accommodations, I would do a stint on a cargo ship.

I am an islander who has never been maritime. I don’t sail or dive. I swim, although not in terrifying oceans. But standing here in the noise and industry, looking up almost two hundred feet—higher than Niagara Falls— to the top of Kendal, I feel the giddiness of a Christmas morning child. Some of this is the rush of escape, for which I had reasons. Some is the pull of the sea. And some comes from the knowledge that I am about to embark to a place and space that is usually off-limits and hidden. The public is not allowed on a ship like this, nor even on the dock. There are no ordinary citizens to witness the workings of an industry that is one of the most fundamental to their daily existence. These ships and boxes belong to a business that feeds, clothes, warms, and supplies us. They have fueled if not created globalization. They are the reason behind your cheap T-shirt and reasonably priced television.

Some people take their entertaining very seriously and these folks have also introduced some global flair with United Nations-themed dinner parties.

Each week, Ashley Ford writes moving and intimate “5 things” posts on her Tumblr. They never disappoint.

Looks like Marilyn Manson is evolving or whatever it is that famous people call changing.

“We’re drinking wodka,” Marilyn Manson said, pronouncing the word like he was a fur-hatted Russian cartoon character, and filling a tumbler. Two tumblers: Like any peacocking musician, he knew that a drinking buddy makes for a ready audience.

He loped from the peach-colored kitchen of a borrowed house here — it belongs to his pal Johnny Depp — through the dining room, past a bin of masks and costumes. There was a horse, a longhaired woman, silver faceplates. “This is my Max Ernst stuff; it’s private,” he said. “I get drunk and buy stuff on Amazon.”

That Seahawks Packers game was pretty wild last night. Nobody saw that ending coming. Then one of the players rode around the field on a bike and all made sense.

Life goal: to live in a city where accessing all of these services on a regular basis is possible.

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