ByDr. S

Dr. S spends most of her time caring for adorable but demanding little creatures but leaves her toddler twins at home when she goes to work caring for cats and dogs in a busy small animal veterinary practice.

  1. Questions for Dr. S, The Toast’s valiant veterinary correspondent, can be left in the comments. To save time and space, please keep in mind that Dr. S will, 100% of the time, remind you that her information is meant to be educational and to serve as a supplement to regular medical care from a veterinarian who has had the pleasure of having your cat's shiny white teeth sunk into his or her real hand. So,…

  2. Questions for Dr. S, The Toast's valiant veterinary correspondent, can be left in the comments. She'll be back next Tuesday to talk about luxating patellas in dogs, and whether or not you have to brush your damn cat's teeth. I think that what we feed our animals can make a tremendous difference in their health and longevity. Most clients I talk to are very concerned about proper nutrition for their pets. Unfortunately, the pet food companies…