Posts tagged “prejudice”

  1. Previous installments can be found here. There will be spoilers. “An historian” is a perfectly acceptable Commonwealth convention, haters to the left [side of the road]. Lady Rose, blonde, pink, and charming, is the embodiment of the "English rose" ideal. In Sybil’s absence, she’s also become Downton’s main force of multiculturalism. Last season, she enjoyed a flirtation with Jack Ross, the black American jazz singer. But that relationship was a leap too far, apparently. This…

  2. I was compiling an amusing listicle of groups believed to be the targets of the "last acceptable prejudice" (Catholics, Christians who may or may not be Catholics, gingers, fat people, "emerging adults,", women in sports, Mormons, and this Christian music CD), but then, of course, because of the nature of the internet and how Cylons will ultimately be created anew and Skynet starts differently every time, I…