Select Recipes For the Artful Eye and Cosmopolitan Palate -The Toast

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Deconstructed Thai Chicken Lettuce Wraps

Southeast-Asian inspiration finds elements of salty and savory dancing over a bed of crisp vegetation. Crunchy lettuce accompanies tender chicken bathed in a classic Thai condiment, one over which umami proudly reigns. The simple salad forays into the exotic with a once-familiar protein transformed, cool leaves bending ever so slightly under their partner’s slowly dissipating heat. Embrace a dish at once light and satiating, uncomplicated and bold to the final perfectly-balanced bite, and give thanks.


1 glob peanut butter
4 sloshes soy sauce
1 handful chicken
2+ handfuls lettuce

Stir peanut butter, soy sauce and chicken until combined. Toss with lettuce.

Jen Cantin WaffleBelgian Waffle with Framboise-Infused Crème Fraîche

Late Sunday slumber yields unexpected extravagance as culinary celebration guides a lingering morning toward noon. Smooth, creamy filling nestles inside the deep caverns of a crisp breakfast favorite and melts into billowing rivers of decadence speckled with red raspberries. Each berry stains the waffle’s golden surface with its sweet-tart ruby kisses, a romance both lasting and brief. Invite the senses, not least of all taste, to expound on the day’s boundless possibility with each subsequent morsel.


1 waffle
1 large glob cream cheese
1 handful raspberries

Top waffle with cream cheese and raspberries. Fold in half.

Jen Cantin SoupLoaded Baked Potato Soup in Homemade Bread Bowl

A single crusty vessel contains a hearty meal and so much more. An unsuspecting spoon discovers swirls of creamy comfort, salty sustenance and permeating warmth that nearly defies reason. Whispers of steam relinquish all traces of tension with faint, curling plumes. Savory slices of bacon, still crackling with grease remnants, rest atop the nourishing broth and intermingle with sharp, bold cheddar, a familiar friend. From this humble stew emerges tranquility unmatched.


1 baked potato, still hot
1 large glug milk
1 handful shredded cheese
1+ slice(s) bacon
1+ slice(s) toast

Stir potato innards (no skins) with milk until smooth. Top with remaining ingredients. Stir ‘til cheese melts. Dip toast.

Jen Cantin StrawberriesWarm Strawberry Compote with Dark Chocolate Drizzle

Indulge in summer’s sweetest offering one last time ere the season disperses into sunbathed memory once again. Consider simplicity as sumptuous strawberries glisten, tiny water droplets flushing impurities from their ripe flesh. In a moment’s time, each fruit will meet smooth and rich dark chocolate, bittersweet bursts to highlight the luscious nectar within. As a pair, a sum greater than any amalgam of parts. Savor each delightfully fleeting second that elapses towards ultimate fulfillment, scrumptious and spiritual.


2 handfuls strawberries, no stems
1 handful chocolate chips

Microwave ingredients on high for 45 seconds. Stir and mush accordingly.

Follow Jen Cantin on Twitter if you have nothing better to do! Wouldn’t want to impose… Two cats and three times more ‘tude than the leading car insurance provider.

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