Before we get started, I just want to share how much fun I have been having not-approving late-breaking guest account comments on the Yellow Ranger piece! Just the ones that are, like: “Psssh, this isn’t racist. As a white man, people I run into when visiting Gstaad frequently ask me what kind of white man I am. –LolJustSaying.”
Hahahaha, it’s our site, we can do whatever we want. (Merrily hits mark-as-spam button.)
Aww, the article about fancy toast y’all have been sending gets pretty real, huh?
Sarah Marshall pointed me towards the Wiki entry for “soap operas,” and, in particular, this sub-page:
Domestic interiors are often furnished with stained wood wall panels and furniture, and items of brown leather furniture. This is to give a sumptuous and luxurious look suggesting the wealth of the characters. Daytime serials often foreground other sumptuous elements of set decoration; presenting a “mid-shot of characters viewed through a frame of lavish floral displays, glittering crystal decanters or gleaming antique furniture”.
Gary Grimshaw has died. You may not know the name, but you’ve probably seen his groovy posters.
“Well yes, there was a reason Typhoid Mary was put on an island, and forced to stop making fruit cups for everyone.”
Here is the Hatchet Job of the Year shortlist.
The long New York Magazine piece on the “cannibal cop” is a must-read.
PANIC, bitch.
Roxane Gay on everything she read last year. Soon, you can read her new book! I have an advance copy, but youuuuu can’t borrow it until I’m done.
Nicole is an Editor of The Toast.