Toast Points For The Week of May 22nd -The Toast

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This week is over! Every day is carrying me further from the day a bug flew in my ear and the subsequent day when I developed a violent allergic reaction to a crab cake. I for one look forward to burying this week in the backyard.

But we had good things this week, too.

Joel Kim’s lovely, funny, wry essay on being adopted and gay and loving Scott Bakula:

I have been gay for ten years now, and things are going really well. Thanks for asking.

I have been Asian for my entire life, and I still don’t know exactly what the fuck that means.

We learned that nuns can paint and talked about medieval art, a subject that is very dear to my heart:

Sarcasm aside, the scholar is referring to a type of medieval artwork called Nonnenarbeiten, or Nuns’ Works (so called by a German name because the Germans, my people, invented art history. Just roll with it.) There is a large body of frankly weird artwork made by medieval nuns, almost all personal devotional drawings or paintings of broken and bloody Jesus, flaming hearts, and the like. To modern eyes, they do look childlike. They’re often disturbing. Something you might have going for you that medieval scholars don’t is that right now you’re probably thinking, Doesn’t all medieval art look childlike and disturbing? Entire websites (and entire scholarly careers) are devoted to bizarre details from medieval manuscripts. It’s called marginalia, which basically means doodles, and it ranges from the bizarre (rocket cats?) to the offensive (for example, nuns picking penises off a penis tree.)

The ladies came back. The ladies will always come back.

Math poems! See, it’s not all just art history and Sherlock gifs around here. We’ve got something for the non-humanities group too.

Jade Sylvan is a dandy.

We got to look at some animal cartoons and I got some really unique work advice from a man in Connecticut.

Turns out Hemingway was a knitter and Audrey Hepburn was really into lat pulls. Who knew!

Go away for about two days now, then come right back.

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