Toast Points For the Week of June 13, 2014 -The Toast

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This website makes me really happy, and I’m glad that I work here, and I’m glad that you guys visit it. Did you know that Maria Seiferle-Valencia is pretty much the reason our website doesn’t crash every day? You should tell her that she is the best, because she is the best.

Feel the Burn returned with tips on working out — SHOULD YOU DESIRE TO DO SO — in the first trimester of pregnancy. My advice for exercising in your second trimester of pregnancy is “constant jumping jacks.” Also deli meat.

Léonicka Valcius is starting a new series with us about diversity in publishing, so if you have any comments or suggestions for future topics, jump over the comments and let her know.

Life with Post-Concussion Syndrome:

Upon sitting up, a throbbing rush of pain swept through my head. It took a few moments to adjust.  After getting back into bed, it clicked why I was experiencing such immense pain-I’d hit my head. 

Woman reviews book.

Ayn Rand wrote a letter to the editor of Cat Fancy magazine. I didn’t make that up. She really said it, in a real letter.

Screen Shot 2014-06-10 at 9.07.58 PMThis pretty much sums up my ideal friendship with Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson:

We are playing D&D over Skype with our DM Vin Diesel, who is filming on location in Fiji. Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is playing as a war-mage, and keeps trying to cast “Storm of Smegma.” The first two times Vin Diesel checks for the spell in the manual. The third time our giggling tips him off and he sighs, “It’s not going to be worth it to coordinate around the time difference if you guys don’t take this seriously.”

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