Link Roundup! -The Toast

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Home: The Toast

Okay. It’s…okay. This is my first time on Link Roundup duty now that Nicole has gone away (COME BACK, NICOLE; AM NOT I YOUR CHILD TOO) and I’m feeling a little wobbly. Hold my hands, darlings — tightly now — and let’s focus on two months from now. She’ll come back.

She has to come back.

Do you ever open your mouth, and almost say something, and then think better of it, such that you just sort of make a short bark and people turn to look at you? I wish I did that more often.

“In 1980 she moved to Bournemouth, England, where her aunt lived, and became increasingly reclusive. Tonks burned her last unpublished novel manuscript along with a collection of priceless artifacts from the Far East bequeathed to her by another aunt.”

You intrigue me strangely, old bird. Do go on.

Are you in Los Angeles? Come see me tonight.

During the 1930s and 1940s, Heinrich Himmler organised a branch of the SS to undertake the largest survey of witch-hunt trial records in Europe ever taken, with the dual aim of using it as anti-Christian propaganda, to claim that the inquisition had been a repression of an indigenous Völkisch Norse-Germanic nature religion, and as evidence for reconstructing that religion. This prompted Stuart Clark to dub the Nazi regime “Europe’s first and only ‘pro-witch’ government.”

I have never wanted to believe in anything as much as I want to believe the Witch-Cult Hypothesis, and it saddens me greatly to learn that this puts me in the company of Nazis.

 “Hands Up Don’t Shoot will exclusively feature African-Americans creating art out of injustice.”

The 25 Best Superhero Movies Since Blade” had better BE A LIST OF THE WORD BLADE REPEATED TWENTY-FIVE TIMES, RIESMAN

“When we understand what someone says, it’s always at least partly a hallucination.” He’s talking about Taylor Swift lyrics, but also about life.

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