Put on your best dress of sprigged green, pull out some maple candy, and come make yourself at home in the dugout. The Center for Reincarnation Studies has found the re-bodied soul of Laura Ingalls Wilder, author of the Little House on the Prairie Series.
“Although the present incarnation of Laura Ingalls Wilder agreed to The Center for Reincarnation Studies using her photograph, she does not want her name revealed. This is her story.”
My mom and I were the only ones at the site of the Ingalls’ family dugout house (described in On the Banks of Plum Creek), or at least if there were others there, I sure don’t remember them. We went from the parking area and crossed the creek to the dugout site. I remember nothing of my mom after that point. I stood in front of the dugout site, reading the sign, and then I just started to walk along the creek banks. I don’t remember where I went, I don’t remember what I saw. The whole thing is a blur now. It was as if someone else was directing me. My mom said later that it was as if I was having a religious experience…
I read all of the books again, and when I ran out of Laura’s own books, I started on the biographies again. It was then that I started seeing the parallels between our lives, but suddenly, one night, looking at a photo of Laura in her late teens, I noticed that we looked alike. I took a photo of myself from around the same age, and put the two photos side-by-side. It completely threw me.
“Her reasoning seems specious,” I hear you say. “That doesn’t seem like much in the way of evidence,” another one of you chimes in. “It sounds like this lady is maybe just a fan of Laura Ingalls Wilder instead of her actual eternal essence tamped into a fresh skin receptacle,” a third adds. “Why don’t Americans ever claim to be the reincarnation of someone who isn’t famous?” These are perfectly sound questions. Let Laura Ingalls Wilder the Sequel put them all to rest.
“Laura was born February 7, 1867. My oldest daughter was born February 6. She died on February 10, 1957. Throughout my pregnancy I told everyone that my daughter would be born on February 10.”
I’m not quite sure what’s going on here, but I’m excited, and she’s got a lot of numbers ready, and that’s a good sign; she’s clearly done some kind of research and honestly it’s the effort that counts.
Almanzo died October 23, 1949. My “half” birthday is October 24. I realize this sounds like a stretch, but for some reason I’ve always had a connection to that date, so to me it makes sense.
Hey. Hey. Laura Ingalls Wilder Part II, don’t be so hard on yourself. We are here for you, and for your story, and we will stretch as far as you need us to.
Laura and Almanzo were married on August 25, 1885. One of my best friends was born August 25, 1975. Her name is Laura.
Laura’s daughter Rose, was born on December 5, 1886. My husband’s birthday is December 4th.
Caroline Ingalls died on April 20, 1924. I was born April 24th.
Another thing is that wherever I go, the eyes of the characters on the cover of On the Banks of Plum Creek follow me. They chant “Mother, save us.”
Carrie Ingalls died in 1946, a few months after my mother was born.
This is…it’s adding up, and it’s going to add up to something, I know it.
Laura’s unnamed son was born in August, although the date is unknown. My first son was born in August, as well.
Other weird coincidences: I was reading a Laura biography a few years ago. The day that I read about Pa’s death was June 8th. Pa died on June 8, 1902.
Laura and Almanzo’s first home together burned down. I have been terrified of fire my entire life, and the first house that my husband and I lived in together burned down.
Does she have to draw you a picture? She doesn’t like fire, because she’s Laura Ingalls Wilder.
Laura’s parents were Charles and Caroline. My in-laws are Charles and Carol.
It’s done. Do you hear me? It’s done. It is finished. She’s Laura Ingalls Wilder, and frankly I wouldn’t be surprised if her in-laws were the reincarnation of Laura’s parents themselves. Is her entire family the Wilders revisited? Yes. The dates don’t lie. She’s read all of the books. She wrote them, too, in another life.
Mallory is an Editor of The Toast.