The Outlander Drinking Game -The Toast

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Whether you’re reading the Outlander series for the first time or re-reading with the new TV show, we invite you to play along with us as we journey through the books’ best tropes and cliches. Grab a book (any of them, though especially the first three) and a drink — perhaps some whiskey the color of Claire’s eyes or just some restorative willowbark tea — and play along. There will be a bonus round for viewers of the Starz show.

Take a drink every time…

  1. Claire gets a new dress because the one she’s wearing is ruined. Bonus drink if it’s borrowed and her breasts BARELY fit into it.
  2. Claire insists she really did love Frank even though, yeah, OK.
  3. Frank acts like a monster.
  4. Author finds a nice vocabulary word and repeats it conspicuously within 50 pages.
  5. Nipples.
  6. Multi-page internal monologue.
  7. Claire and Jamie separated seemingly forever.
  8. Minor character reappears improbably as major player.
  9. Claire practices indefensibly modern medicine.
  10. Claire practices herbology.
  11. Man drinks breast milk as foreplay. (Double drink because: nipples.)
  12. Color of Claire’s eyes is compared to any alcoholic beverage.
  13. Claire’s curly hair is mentioned.
  14. A murder mystery!
  15. Vague improbable descriptions — variations on  “a cold shiver ran up her spine and it wasn’t because of the cold”  or “she might have seen a glimmer of a smile/frown/etc. on his lips/eye but it might have been the light.”
  16. Claire and Jamie FEEL each other walk into the room.
  17. Prose is pretty at first but makes no sense on a second reading.
  18. Violence that is WORSE than Game of Thrones happens to characters you are supposed to love. But they survive! And then you have to read about them surviving.
  19. Description of Jamie’s skull, its hardness and shape.
  20. Romanticization of white men. (Stick to sips for this one lest you die of alcohol poisoning.)
  21. Mention of the different shades of red in Jamie’s/Brianna’s hair.
  22. A “shadow” falls across someone’s face.
  23. Anytime Claire gets worried someone’s cut will get infected.
  24. Baby born to Murray family.
  25. Human pregnancy referred to in animal terms, i.e. “breeding,” “sire,” “foal.”
  26. Author gestures toward grand theory of time travel are best left unscrutinized.
  27. Claire picks something out of Jamie’s hair.
  28. Jamie’s two fingers flutter against his leg.
  29. Two characters look almost exactly alike.
  30. A ball of ice in the pit of Claire’s stomach is warmed by whiskey or brandy.
  31. A sex scene gets super abstract and DOESN’T MAKE SENSE. But is still hot.
  32. A sex scene that makes you ask, “Wait, is this rape?” But the author is like, “Don’t worry about it.”
  33. Cameo by historical figure.
  34. Jamie stands straight as an arrow with his shining hair a head above all the other man he is standing near.
  35. Hint that Scots freeball under their kilts.
  36. A couple, usually Jamie and Claire, has an entire conversation in one look without speaking.
  37. “It had been a long time since breakfast.”
  38. “More than was strictly necessary.”
  39. Claire finding Jaime easily in a crowd because of his height and red hair.
  40. Jamie is unable to wink, blinks idiotically.


  1. Graphic violence/gore beyond book descriptions because that’s how prestige dramas do.
  2. You miss something important Frank said about local history because SO BORING.
  3. Evidence that Tobias Menzies (Frank) agreed to less nudity than Caitriona Balfe (Claire)
  4. Band of Scottish kinsmen reminiscent of hobbits.
  5. Romantic lead clearly identifiable as the clean one.
  6. Casting of Graham McTavish as Dougal makes you wish Claire would get a little action on the side with him.
  7. Fill-in in Gaelic dialogue that could mean absolutely nothing. H/T to the Gaelic tutor:
  8. You would be unsurprised to learn Sam Heughan (Jamie) had a starring role in 2011’s A Princess for Christmas.
  9. Dramatic irony over long-resolved historical events.
  10. Claire visits site in 18th century and flashback (flash forward?) shows her visiting in 20th Century with Frank.
  11. Horsemanship! Swordplay!
  12. Claire makes 20th century wisecrack that no one else gets.
  13. Claire has no choice but to become emotionally and physically close to Jamie. She’s just tryina survive, guys.
  14. ADDED FRANK SCENE! Please try to conjure some sympathy.
  15. Timeline shuffled to get to the sex sooner.

Rose Cole and Anna Halverson contributed to this piece.


Kara Moore is a freelance journalist in Charleston, West Virginia, where she lives with her husband and two small children.

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#18 is why I gave up on this series, despite my enduring love for historical time-travel/romance. I just didn't need to know all the ways flesh could be flayed and people's fingers could be broken, you guys.
2 replies · active 552 weeks ago
What number is "a woman reacts to her brother calling her a whore for (as he thinks) being raped by their mortal enemy by literally grasping him by the balls and twisting until he says sorry"? because I just read the book last week, completely unrelated to the television show which I do not understand the point of making one unless it is a very high-production-values pornographic extravaganza and then only if the fellow pictured here is not the main fellow in the book, and I was mildly surprised by that scene.

other things I did not know to expect: it starts out like a really good pastiche of one of those Mary Stewart thrillers where a brisk Englishwoman, toughened by the war years but still dewy and fresh and attractive but not, you know, in an obvious way, like a foreigner, goes off to have adventures in a sexy place. It is such a good approximation of that kind of prose that you could forget it isn't what it is pretending to be except for all the cocks.

Or that Claire kills a wolf with her hands! I felt bad for the wolf though, it was only hungry.

It's surprisingly good if you like the kind of garbage that it is, and I find that I do. I did not think I would but I do. If you want to find an uneasy middle ground between Dorothy Dunnett and amateur sexy torture erotica but do not want to admit it and/or do not know that there are such things, well: there are. this is it. yeah I know everybody else already knows because they weren't too good to read it fifteen years ago like me.

p.s. what's wrong with Frank?? Besides being named "Frank" of course. He is a sexy academic with delicate refined hands who takes showers and knows about birth control, what's not to like? Does something come up in the sequels or am I just a careless reader who likes effete intellectuals?
11 replies · active 552 weeks ago
Casting of Graham McTavish as Dougal makes you wish Claire would get a little action on the side with him.

i've summed up the dougal/graham mctavish situation as "morally disappointing arousal." YOU DO THINGS, DOUGAL. YOU DO THINGS AND I CAN'T- BUT I MUST???? BUT I CAN'T. but your beard?? and your glaring???? SOMETIMES YOU WEAR THAT LITTLE JAUNTY CAP?? everyone kiss now

i hate myself
2 replies · active 552 weeks ago
Here for this so hard.

#26.5: Characters accept existence of time travel with surprisingly little processing or curiosity.
#15.5 - infinity: Jamie's personality vacillates between super-smart and total Sex Idiot.
1 reply · active 552 weeks ago
Did Nicole ever do a 'Classic Trash' article on these books? If so I will award two points to anyone who can send me the link.
3 replies · active 552 weeks ago
The bonus round made me laugh because I watched the first episode last night and wow would I have been drunk if I was playing along!

Should I read the books (I have not read the books, because I was afraid of an interesting idea devolving into basically that entire list)?
Drink every time someone calls Claire "sassenach."

You'll get drunk faster.
1 reply · active 552 weeks ago
Excellent list. I just started the fourth book this morning (for the first time) and even though I'm only on page 27, at least three-quarters of these things have already happened. No one has had time to get horribly injured yet, but a minor character did get hanged, and then somehow he managed to turn into a major character from beyond the grave. <3 you Diana Gabaldon.
1 reply · active 552 weeks ago
I <3 these books x a million million, and nobody will ever convince me that they aren't wonderful.
1 reply · active 552 weeks ago
Outlander! Outlander! I have never read the books and see no reason to but I am loving the show. I've started using this other show called Monarch of the Glen (it's on Netflix) as a sort of Scotland tide over until a new Outlander episode and it's pretty good too, in the sense that its main character has that strangely appealing, thin-lipped Scottish mouth, a la David Tennant.
3 replies · active 552 weeks ago
I am now about 70% through the first book and I'm vaguely dreading finishing it? Like, I enjoyed the first half, but then it just seemed to get really silly to me for some reason (so many chases for their life! the villain that is completely evil AND ALSO can't resist the hero just like everyone else in the world AND ALSO looks just like her husband even though there has been several generations! the kind and noble-savage peasantry who adore their true lord! but you know, beating children is OK as long as you do it for the right reasons!) but now I have to finish it. Not sure I'll continue onto the series though.

I felt bad for Frank though, I liked him in the brief moment he was around. But I'm an effete intellectual too. And I'd probably enjoy exploring all the boring local history. I gather he gets vaguely-cartoonishly evil?
1 reply · active 552 weeks ago
SO MANY FLOGGINGS. So many fond reminiscences of childhood floggings interspersed with descriptions of Jamie's hair (this was basically the entire Lallybroch section of the first book).

I'm almost through the second book having gotten the entire 7 book anthology as an e-book from the library and may have to stop or take a break after this one. They' re not bad for what they are - solid beach or airplane reading - but it might better in spaced out doses.

I have heard that some of the later books get into some weird racial territory (avoided in the early books by having no POC whatsoever). Can anyone advise?
6 replies · active 552 weeks ago
Whenever anyone a) chills despite the heat or b) flushes despite the cold. Pretty much whenever anything happens despite the current weather situation.

Also, any mention of stays.
coolstorymere's avatar

coolstorymere · 552 weeks ago

"Frank acts like a monster". I've got a lot of Frank theories, people. Lots of Frank theories.
14 replies · active 552 weeks ago
I have never read these books because I was working in a bookstore when they were first published, and the fans were extremely annoying. Also I do not regard the past as a place any woman would really enjoy living in, no matter how hot the dudes. I enjoyed Connie Willis' Doomsday Book for exactly that reason. No real romance, lots of interesting facts, the past was both beautiful and terrible, and time-travel had high stakes.
8 replies · active 552 weeks ago
I'm pretty sure this game is designed to kill you via your liver. And quickly.
See my Outlander drinking game (for the show) would just be "drink every time you're sad Jamie is in a scene with a shirt on".

Oh, and Tobias Menzies was VERY naked in Rome at one point, so I dunno what's going with that.
1 reply · active 552 weeks ago
Drink every time:

-Claire is ~feisty~
-Geillis Duncan is mysterious
-somebody says "dinna" or "cannae" because otherwise we would forget that this is Scotland and everyone is an unintelligible Scot (related: have a drink every time you must rewind the show because you didn't understand somebody)
4 replies · active 552 weeks ago
Tobias Menzies is so good at playing guys you want to like but you can't because they're just so embarrassing. Which really is my favorite ever take on Brutus.
1 reply · active 552 weeks ago
You guys I am really busy at work today but plan on devoting my full lunch break to Outlander on Toast, which is my dream.

But real quick:

Breast feeding sex uggghhh Frank.

Roxane Gay also mad no sex yet and just glad we're all on the same page here GET TO IT ALREADY. (ok it happens in the sixth episode, I know, ugggh).

My favorite part of the books: when there's long and rambling dialogue or descriptions and it's so long even the characters start going "Ok just get to the point already thanks."

I liked Frank way better in the pilot than I did for the entire books so, there's that. Good job Tobias Menzies! Also when I say his name I just think "menses" so there's that too, feminist good will and such.

I can't watch right now because I don't have Starz and tv links is failing me and I am miserable. Someone please help.
1 reply · active 552 weeks ago
UNPOPULAR OPINION: I feel like I'm pretty happy with there not really being any sex yet? Because…like, there isn't any sex, in the book, for ages. It's Frank at the start, and then from memory she doesn't marry Jamie until almost halfway through the first book. HEAPS happens before they get to that, so I feel like I'm pretty happy for them to just respect the books and take their time getting there. I mean, let's be real. Once Claire and Jamie START jumping each other, they kind of don't really stop. So all the no-sex now will kind of balance out when the show becomes a straight up porno, right?
Drink every time you deeply regret going past the first book to satisfy your curiosity
2 replies · active 552 weeks ago
I've never had any interest in slash fiction, but after the second book I googled "Jamie/Lord John slash fiction" and there was NOTHING. What the hell, internet? Pages and pages of results for Shaggy and Fred from Scooby Doo getting it on, but not this.
2 replies · active 552 weeks ago
verrah lol
Oh, just thought of another one for the drinking game: Drink every time someone "bent to their work" during a sex scene. (Which, for those who haven't read the series, usually means "continues to go down on someone, with great intent")

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