Link Roundup! -The Toast

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Home: The Toast

I am sure you have already seen Jaya and Matt’s illustrated guide to why you looked weird in high school BUT IF YOU DIDN’T.

a) please do not use the word “nazis” to describe anyone with any kind of breastfeeding stance

b) the people up your cancer-surviving ass about magically somehow breastfeeding despite having no breast tissue are fuckin’ dickssssss just call them that instead:

“I can’t. I had breast cancer,” I said, looking down at Lincoln and stating proudly: “But I’m just so happy to be alive and be a mother after cancer.”


“Just try,” they advised. “Let’s hope you get some milk.”

“It may come out anyway, or through your armpits,” another advised later when I was doing the usual post-labor, slow-recovery walk through the hospital halls.

After that, when I saw those lactivists coming, I picked up my pace.

For Harriet on 14 web series by black women you could be watching right now!

Our own Emily L. Stephens is going to be doing a Toast live-tweet of two separate SCARY MOVIES next week in preparation for Halloween, and we will then be running discussions of them on the site on Oct. 30th! Here is the FB page for her live-tweet of The Haunting (1963) and the FB page for May (2002).

ugh this is so male this is the malest thing ever and gender is a construct but this is soooooooo dude and i was tricked into it but then there was bullfighting the most boring thing in the worllddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd

This happened on Friday afternoon so I bet a bunch of you missed it, but I LOVED Maren’s raccoon post and I want her to do literally thousands of them for us.

Vela is making a push for donations so they can pay women more money, which we always like.

Colorado is rolling out nitrous oxide for labor pain relief, which I want and RESENT not having access to in the US.


This is tricksy! Mallory and I continue, on a somewhat-related note, to actively seek a trans person who would like to review Ariel Schrag’s Adam for us, because that’s a perspective we would like to have.  Tell yer trans friends.

 My mom left yesterday, after a twelve-day visit. We have a tough time separating, so we always stage a fake fight on her last night here. This time we fought about male primogeniture, and I took the stance that the British Royal Family should have stuck with male primogeniture instead of abolishing it in 2013 and my mom took the opposite stance. Phrases such as “YOU CALL YOURSELF A FEMINIST” were used. I then told her that Kate Middleton was just plain better than the rest of us, and she performatively dry-heaved and we stormed out of the room and it made it a lot easier to say goodbye.

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