The Hollywood Reporter‘s Liz Smith Interview, Annotated -The Toast

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Screen Shot 2015-04-08 at 5.09.42 PMWe’ll get this out of the way first: yes, it’s irritating and vaguely infantilizing when a young person makes a big show of how sassy and sharp an elderly person is. THAT IS NOT THIS. Or, if there is an element of it to be found here, I apologize. Someday old age will come for me too, and some young person will try to explain to me how great it is that I’m still telling it like it is and putting lipstick on my mouth, and I’ll apologize to Liz Smith on our shared banquette in Gossip Heaven.

Anyhow. Hollywood Reporter interviewed Liz Smith, who has been a gossip reporter of FOREVER, and it was the greatest interview that I have read in absolute months, and you must read every word of it. I have taken the liberty of highlighting some of the best parts for you here.

“I’m too old for gossip,” insists 92-year-old Liz Smith, delicately settling into a banquette at her favorite Tex Mex watering hole in Murray Hill.

It brings me SUCH JOY that this woman’s favorite restaurant is in MURRAY HILL and serves TEX-MEX food. Of course it does. My favorite sandwiches are from Subway, babe. You and I share a troll’s heart.

You married for the first time when you were 21. Why did you marry so young?

Well, everybody was doing it. All these brave, fabulous, decent guys were all going off to war. So the least you could do was marry them.

I have dedicated a not-insignificant amount of time to thinking what I would do if I were transported to WWII-era America and had to spend the rest of my life in that timeline trying as best I could to blend in, and I 100% believe that I would marry a soldier out of patriotism, despite having no desire to marry a soldier now.

You and Brando were friendly before he was famous.

I was living in the Village in a tiny apartment with all sorts of people coming in and out. Marlon was dating my friend Elaine Stritch at the time. One night, he called me at home and he said, “Liz, Elaine just keeps letting me kiss her but she won’t go any further.” I said, “Put her on the phone.” I said, “Elaine, you don’t understand about men. They aren’t satisfied with just kissing. So you have to stop being a prude or just end it.”

Wise advice. What did she decide?

They were both pupils of Stella Adler, so they wisely decided to break up.

2. Please do not neglect to read about Rita Moreno’s torrid eight-year affair with Marlon Brando (who is a MONSTER for cheating on her; I HATE him and I wish he had died twice)
3. It makes me unutterably happy that Marlon Brando thought, “My girlfriend won’t have sex with me, I’ll give her gay roommate a call and see if that straightens things out.”
5. Are you picturing what an Elaine Stritch/Marlon Brando baby would have looked like right now? I bet if they had had a boy, he and Warren Beatty would have gotten into fistfights outside of nightclubs in the late ’70s.
6. Elaine should have put out.

I can’t imagine two women more different than you and Cosmopolitan editor Helen Gurley Brown. Did you two get along?

She thought I was Jesus jumping off the cross because I brought her all these interviews. I found Helen fascinating, but I thought she was an idiot sometimes. She would constantly talk to me about getting married and how I should look for a rich man. This is a woman who dedicated her life to telling women how to feather their nest by throwing a scarf over a lamp.

definitely can imagine some more different women, but let’s leave that to the side for now. I have never in my life heard the expression “Jesus jumping off the cross” or the concept of throwing a scarf over a lamp (wouldn’t that just…start a fire?), and I have Liz Smith to thank for curing me of those two ignorances.

Also, Liz, given that you once made “a million dollars a year” but now “struggle to make a living,” MAYBE YOU SHOULD HAVE FOUND THAT RICH MAN.

“Mallory, what an unfair thing to say about this old woman. She’s 92! Maybe she saved enough for twenty years of retirement but has outlived them at this point!”


“Are you sure they even had those in the 1950s?”

“I AM NOT.” All right, I would like to amend that crack about landing a rich husband to the following: I think someone should pay for Liz Smith and Suze Orman to have lunch and talk about power blazers, lesbian cruises, and how to maximize her earnings.

You had a legendary aversion to Jackie O.’s sister, Princess Lee Radziwill. What was it that set you off?

Well, she did something terrible. She was always a close friend of Truman Capote‘s. But then Capote got embroiled in that ridiculous libel suit with Gore Vidal over his claim that Vidal had been drunkenly kicked out of the White House. Lee is the one who told Capote the story, but when it ended up in court, she threw him to the wolves. All she had to do was tell the truth. But she refused, and Truman lost the lawsuit, which devastated him. During the trial, as a last-ditch effort, he asked me to call her and beg her to testify. And you know, Truman had done everything for her. He even tried to help her start an acting career. But when I called her and said, “Lee, you really must testify for Truman,” she said, “Oh, Liz, what do we care; they’re just a couple of fags! They’re disgusting.” I was so stunned, I just hung up. I’ve never spoken to her since.

[a muffled, strangled sound from low in the throat, as if a thousand competing emotions all made a bid for freedom at once, and crashed into one another at terminal velocity]

Publicist Bobby Zarem once sent a fake invitation to all of New York society announcing your wedding to your then partner, Iris Love. Were you embarrassed by that?

It was more of an annoyance than anything. People sent me gifts that I had to return. (Laughs.) It only disturbed me because my mother was alive, and I was worried he would send an invitation to her. Thankfully, he never did. The whole thing embarrassed him more than me. People were appalled by what he did. At the time, he denied sending them, but one of his assistants, a friend of mine, found a huge mound of invitations in his drawer. He hated me for some reason, but he couldn’t take me down. I was too popular by then.

1. That’s HORRIBLE.
2. What an incredible, delicious, bitchy way to try to out someone. This could have been a storyline on Empire.

Sexuality can be hard to pin down.

I saw him after David Geffen came out and he said, “Liz, do you think I should come out, too?” And I said, “No, Barry, David Geffen needs to come out. He needs a big story or a scandal or a fight to push him in business and make people afraid of him.” But I said, “People are already afraid of you. So what will you gain? And also, you like women.”


You also were very close to Ann Richards, whom George W. Bush defeated to become governor of Texas. Was she your best friend?

Well, Ann elected herself to be my best friend.


You grew close to many other well-known people over the years. Do you keep in touch with Barbara Walters?

Well, it turns out Barbara Walters can do without me, though I still consider her a friend. She has done so much for me through the years. But when I lost my column and my power, she kind of lost interest in me. When we run into each other now, she loves me; she’s always saying, “Let’s get together,” blah, blah, blah. But I rarely hear from her now. That’s OK.

I believe this with perfect calmness and serenity.

In 1997 you caused a furor when you wrote that a certain star was about to come out of the closet.

Oh, yes, and it wasn’t just Oprah who was furious with me about that. [Media had gossiped at the time that the mystery star was Winfrey.] Rosie [O’Donnell] was as well.

cannot figure out her stance on outing and I’d kind of like to see a handbill from her about circumstances in which it’s a good or a bad idea.

What is the thing you’re proudest of in your career?

Well, people seem to like me, and I like to be liked. I’m kind of vain about that.


Have you ever been in love?

Oh, yes! Many times. Always with the wrong women or men. The truth is, I had no luck with either sex except Mr. Beeman, who I truly loved as a person.

Your first husband?

He was so good. And he kept on through the years, saying, “Babe, why don’t you come back?” He finally remarried and had nice children, who all took up with me. I wonder what their mother thought.

Where is this movie?? Tall, brainy, blonde Texan girl abandons her soldier husband for New York City and POWER LESBIANISM while he begs her to come home for the next seventy years? I would buy a ticket and see it every day. (I bet their mother hated it, by the way, Liz.)

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I dunno. I feel like Brando would have been the kind who is lazy in bed and then expects women to fall all over themselves thanking him for the experience.
4 replies · active 517 weeks ago
Read that Rita Moreno interview. According to her, not so much. And now I need a glass of water or something (and to read that entire memoir!)
packedsuitcase's avatar

packedsuitcase · 517 weeks ago

I have slept with that dude and I have sworn off all dudes who are Too Good Looking because of it. Boo lazy lays.
Yeah, me too. Too lazy to make an orgasm happen, and then surprised when it doesn't magically happen on its own. Maybe the other girls faked it, Good Looking Guy.
packedsuitcase's avatar

packedsuitcase · 517 weeks ago


Though it did make me giggle when his dudebro (my BFF's roommate) asked me how my night was. "Eh, fine, I guess," was not the answer he was expecting. He clearly had a platonic crush on the dude and it visibly shocked him that I wasn't over the moon about my evening.
This is my favorite quote:

Celebrities seem more interchangeable than they used to be.

They arrive full-blown from the head of Zeus with not a shred of talent.

1 reply · active 517 weeks ago
"You're a star!"

"Used to be you had to sing and dance..."
One of my favorite moments from The West Wing.
Cateling's avatar

Cateling · 517 weeks ago

You've never heard of scarf-assisted mood lighting? I feel old now.
8 replies · active 516 weeks ago
Has no one seen Bull Durham? Like that is was my guide for how to cozy up my room for sexy relations. Put red scarf over lamp, add a few drops of perfume and boom - sex
Extra points if you handcuff them to the bed and read William Blake.
William Blake? What does that mean?!

I love that movie so much, even though it makes me slightly uncomfortable since it's basically my parents' sex movie. I grew up with them frequently quoting Crash and Annie lines to each other in a way that made it clear such roleplay was at the center of their love life.
I love your parents
Oddly enough, also the plot of Red Dragon. Totally different take on mood lighting, though.
I'm roughly the same age as Mallory, give or take a couple years, and have heard of scarves over lamps, so don't feel old!
I am younger than Mallory and have heard of it, so it doesn't meant you're old!
Another great quote:

"He not only worships Diane von Furstenberg, he has romanced her twice."

I want this to be how people describe my relationships with all my heroes someday.
I love her so much. How can I make a career out of knowing everyone's secrets but still being generally decent to them because I'm cool like that, and then still be a total boss in my 90s?
I LOVED her comments on Gurney-Brown because I love picturing her like a walking-and-talking Cosmo magazine and it turns out she WAS that way.

The story on Jackie O's sister is horrible and now I hate her too.
3 replies · active 517 weeks ago
I didn't really know anything about Jackie O's sister before now. Now I know she was an inhuman monster.
I read that story four times and I still can't quite figure out who fucked over who
Maybe I love Truman Capote too much and just sided with him. & Liz.. but in any case that last comment ("what do we care; they’re just a couple of fags! They’re disgusting") was the one that really make me dislike her.
Brando would go one of two ways: either it's the dirtiest, kinkiest, most amazing sex of your life, leaving you permanently bowlegged and staring off into the middle distance like Greta Garbo at the end of Queen Christina, or it's terrible and he lasts five minutes and is then like "get me a drink, babe." No middle ground.

But I am definitely up for the AU where Stritch-Brando Jr. and Warren get into brawls outside 54.
6 replies · active 517 weeks ago
Kowalski or Kurtz, huh?

That's a big roll of the dice.
That Moreno interview seems to imply that he was basically everything you wanted your crazy sexy Brando lover to be, unless you were hoping for fidelity, anyway.
I'd risk it. Also probably the clap, but Brando. You take the good with the bad.
"staring off into the middle distance like Greta Garbo at the end of Queen Christina"

Fun fact: John Gilbert (who plays Garbo's love interest in that film) was once described by a former paramour as making love "like a stoat in a sack".
And for the rest of my life, I will try to figure out if that's a compliment or an insult.
I can't remember who said it now, but I don't think it was intended to be complimentary...
Um, what DOESN'T Stella Adler have to do with this?

Holy crap. This needs to be a movie now. Or a really dishy miniseries.
1 reply · active 517 weeks ago
I heard there was a kind of historical miniseries on this past week, notable probably only because they'd ceased to exist!

Can the tide turn back?

I feel like Matt Dillon in "Singles" demanding "Where's the Judith Krantz? Where's the Shirley Conran? Where's the SIDNEY SHELDON of TODAY, man??"
She has a truly delightful way of speaking. I LOVE that she equates outing oneself with making people fear you and that her publicist frenemy considered doing it to advance his career.
I got Little Jack Melody's rendition of "America" in my head then remembered "No, that was Natalie Wood. Was Rita Moreno in 'Carmen Jones'?" And then the habanera started playing too.

Obviously I was misremembering on both counts. But I like those songs. In my brief research just now I did see that Rita said Elvis was a dud. I can believe that. Plus the story is once Priscilla gave birth she was a Mother and he couldn't get freaky with a Mother (BIG, BIG issues with his mom). (Clearly we need Juliet Prowse's take on his moves to get the required two independent sources. They were doing it during "G.I. Blues" while she was "officially" with Frank Sinatra)
1 reply · active 517 weeks ago
Aw, man, I just found out Juliet Prowse died! At 59!

I discovered recently that learning someone is dead at 30 is now "OH! young" to me. (Harris Wittels)
Re: old people

The charming young men that I sometimes play MMOs with asked me my age last night, and I added 20~ years and said 53.

One of them instinctively gasped. Like not even messing with me.
"What do you think of the current crop of celebrities?"

"Oh, I don't even know who they are! Suddenly you have to remember a dozen Kardashians, and really, who has the time?"

"The funny guy with the grand piano?"


Apparently it COULDN'T be magic.
1 reply · active 517 weeks ago
Sadly there doesn't seem to be a YouTube clip of Barry performing "Could It Be Magic" from the Live By Request show. "Hey, Jay, do you have that show recorded on a VHS tape?" Does a pope shit in the woods?
As I just tweeted at Mallory, young Marlon Brando could get it. I would have definitely done him. Probably only once, though. Only once.
2 replies · active 517 weeks ago
You would have owed it to yourself to try it once. Any more than that, you're just signing yourself up for disaster.
That's kinda how I feel about Ava Gardner.

Hey, she married Mickey Rooney, don't gimme any guff, I know I ain't God's Gift!

Anyway, she even had the chin I like, but...things didn't ever seem to pan out with her. vis a vis. (though it wasn't really her fault)
"There are some I admire, like Taylor Swift. When you see her perform, it's kind of old-fashioned, like if Lana Turner could dance and sing for one number. But I have no interest in hearing her whole catalog."

1 reply · active 517 weeks ago
I heard some of that "Blank Space" song the other day in wasn't very memorable. Credit where it's due, the bit I heard of "Shake It Off" was catchy at least, though it reminded me of Neil Diamond's "America" (and it was with that weapon that I broke free).
As someone who only knows Rita Moreno as Sister Pete and Marlon Brando as a punchline, I'm now DYING to be transported back in time to see them young, beautiful and in the throes of sexual passion.
1 reply · active 517 weeks ago
If you haven't seen West Side Story, On the Waterfront, and A Streetcar Named Desire, do it NOW. They're all classic movies that are AMAZING to watch. West Side Story had phenomenal choreography and Rita Moreno blows bland, bland Natalie Wood and whatshisname off the screen. A Streetcar Named Desire is prime, sexy Marlon Brando and I spent the entire movie, mouth gaping, and heaving with lust.
Oh@ Stella Adler's class was notoriously intimate and required actors to be both professional and vulnerable with each other, which is *nearly impossible* if you're boning someone else in the class. Elaine and Marlon pulled a CLASSIC acting school move. And I am sorry for it.
Love you, love your reading recs [] [] []
In 1997 you caused a furor when you wrote that a certain star was about to come out of the closet.

Oh, yes, and it wasn’t just Oprah who was furious with me about that. [Media had gossiped at the time that the mystery star was Winfrey.] Rosie [O’Donnell] was as well.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait . . .

Am I reading this wrong or did she just casually out Oprah?
1 reply · active 516 weeks ago
Neh. At the time of that item, Oprah issued a statement that it wasn't her, she's alluding to that.
Oddly enough, also the plot of Red Dragon. Totally different take on mood lighting, though.
The Geffen anecdote could be annotated here to note that 'Barry' is Barry Diller.

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