The Swiss Family Robinson -The Toast

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Home: The Toast

swissELIZABETH: everyone we know is drowned

FATHER: what a good opportunity to learn about the Protestant work ethic and animal husbandry

FRITZ: let’s own and eat every animal

FATHER: We can bring colonialism wherever we go

ELIZABETH: from the ship I rescued tallow, donkeys, down blankets, sewing needles, a ham, dishes, pots and pans, quilts, pillows, the Bible, some sealing-wax, an axe, and absolutely no people

FRANCIS: I’m glad everyone we know is dead because now I can learn about cassava

FATHER: I am the dad of this whole island
now let’s talk about geometry

FRANCIS: I have found a woman, I shall keep her and name her Jenny

ERNEST: I will fight you for her

FRANCIS: you lose
here is a consolatory ostrich

ERNEST: I will ride it like a horse

SHIP CAPTAIN: would you like a ride home to Europe or somewhere with people in it

we have everything we need here, from plants to geometry
get out

FRITZ: lets all ride the ostrich and learn about math

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