How To Cast Jane Eyre -The Toast

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Too many dang SEXY JANE EYRE adaptations out there, that’s the problem. Friends, I don’t object to sexiness qua sexiness, but Jane Eyre is a book about ugly people. If I accomplish one thing in my life, let it be the increased acceptability in casting the ugly and the weird-looking in period dramas. We would all be the better for it. Interesting things happen to people with bad bone structure, you know, and there’s something particularly ridiculous about watching Babe after Babe deliver the “poor, obscure, plain, and little” monologue to some smooth-faced Male Babe in a billowing cravat.

Also, watching Michael H. Roosevelt Fassbender ask “Do you find me handsome?” and getting “no” for an answer was one of the most ridiculous cheats Hollywood ever attempted to perpetrate on my person, and if I ever meet him I will knock him down for making me sit through that scene.

Honestly, we don’t need another Jane Eyre adaptation; what we need is an adaptation of The Wanderer, but we live in the world that we live in, and there will be more Jane Eyre adaptations shoved into our eyeballs as surely as I’m living. The point is that I don’t just want to look at a bunch of grotesques for the sake of OLD TIMEY AUTHENTICITY or what have you, the point is that Jane Eyre is a book fundamentally about ugly people. Not unattractive people – they’re very attracted to one another – but ugly.

Remember that scene when two of the Reed family’s servants sort of casually dismiss the fact that she’s a victim of child abuse because she’s ugly?

Bessie, when she heard this narrative, sighed and said, “Poor Miss Jane is to be pitied, too, Abbot.”

“Yes,” responded Abbot; “if she were a nice, pretty child, one might compassionate her forlornness; but one really cannot care for such a little toad as that.”

“Not a great deal, to be sure,” agreed Bessie: “at any rate, a beauty like Miss Georgiana would be more moving in the same condition.”

“Yes, I doat on Miss Georgiana!” cried the fervent Abbot. “Little darling!–with her long curls and her blue eyes, and such a sweet colour as she has; just as if she were painted!”


like, see, that’s a babe


that’s a babe


here’s another babe


babe o’clock




WE NEED SOME WEIRDOS IN THIS MIX. Okay, I’m not going to give you any names, because everyone currently working in the field of acting is still too good-looking to please me, but here are some casting guidelines that should help.

Jane Eyre: An electric eel, a haunted player-piano, a family Bible that smells weird and has a bunch of names written in the back that you don’t recognize, a weird bird that someone just kicked accidentally, some wet batteries

Mr. Rochester: An old boot stuffed with paper bags full of spaghetti, an angry hat, punched-up Mickey Rourke at the end of The Wrestler but without plastic surgery, a TV that’s just been turned off but is still warm

Bertha Mason: That feeling when you’ve been throwing up for ages and you know you’re going to throw up again but there’s nothing left to throw up, not even stomach acid, so you just have the horrible sensation of interior folding and retching until you can’t breathe

St. John Rivers: Yeah, go ahead and cast a babe, obviously.

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It's already been taken care of. Andrea Martin is still the gold substandard in 'Jane Eyrehead'.
2 replies · active 515 weeks ago
Samantha Morton is obviously too much of a babe to play Jane Eyre, but otherwise, I think the 1995 casting was pretty good, looks-wise. Ciaran Hinds can make up for his face with smolder, but he's kind of a strange-looking dude with a weird, downturned mouth.
11 replies · active 515 weeks ago
Nope, Ruth Wilson is still the perfect Jane in my book. Her face is interesting enough that she could easily read as plain, especially in period clothes and hair, but she's still captivating and convincingly fairy-like that it would make sense that Rochester would call her elfin.

Plus she's an amazing actress and she had ridiculous chemistry with Toby Stephens. I WILL STAN FOR THE 2006 ADAPTATION UNTIL MY DYING DAY.

But I agree, no one has ever called Fassbender ugly in his life. I straight up laughed hysterically at that line.
17 replies · active 441 weeks ago
Charlotte Gainsbourg was borderline OK casting, no? In the possible world in which standards of beauty have changed; and also because nobody knew who Jane Birkin or Serge were then, so when confronted with Charlotte they wouldn't have had the same frisson we get from thinking about her parents and what an awesome mashup she is? And William Hurt was pretty convincing as sociopathic to the point where all the pretty people who weren't also sociopaths had rejected him. But I'm not arguing. To wet batteries!!!!
6 replies · active 484 weeks ago
This is all absolutely correct, and I completely agree in principle, but I just reeeeaalllyyyy like to look at Michael Fassbender and so would cast him as any character in any adaptation ever.
1 reply · active 515 weeks ago
Oh god, that screencap of Bertha just highlights how over-the-top that adaptation went with the hotness. I mean, Bertha looks like she just stepped out of a music video for a 90s rock band. She gonna put on a leather jacket and start singing "I Hate Myself for Loving You."
4 replies · active 441 weeks ago
I always felt like Jane Eyre was about people who had internal magnetism, and didn't necessarily have *bad* bone structure, but the kind of weird beautiful that boring normal people say, "gross, you find *him* attractive? He's just so...odd/old/weird."

OH for Hugo Weaving as a Rochester who has "magnetism" in the bag, even if stupid normal people didn't understand.

(obviously there is still 2000% too much babe in all adaptations, though Fukunaga's St. John was appropriately babesque.)
5 replies · active 515 weeks ago
Now, I think that ugly women who act well should be able to get screen jobs, but since that's just CRAZY talk IRL, maybe they could add some prosthetic makeup to make whoever they're going to cast anyway less attractive, like how they altered Kidman to Woolf-ize her?
2 replies · active 515 weeks ago
you forgot these 2! Sure they are not toads but Charlotte Gainsborough and whats-his-face played it nice and ugly and hot
2 replies · active 515 weeks ago
IDK the 1997 adaption with Ciarán Hinds was pretty plain and good?
My harsh, harsh 9th grade English teacher confessed to the class that Timothy Dalton was wayyyy to attractive to play Mr. Rochester and it was weird like seeing her at the grocery store weird. Like, you're definitely not supposed to have a life outside this classroom and now you're telling me you have feelings that aren't asexual and find Timothy Dalton attractive?!?!?

She ended up being one of my favorite teachers and this was the first sign of life. It was awesome.
7 replies · active 515 weeks ago
I like Orson Welles as Rochester. Like, yes a babe, but with some plausible deniability. Can we talk about Joan Fontaine's weird career of playing "plain" women (Jane Eyre, Rebecca, Suspicion) while simultaneously being the most beautiful angel on the earth?
3 replies · active 515 weeks ago
Bertha should absolutely be a babe, though, right? Yeah, she should be a babe that's tragically lost her mind and been locked up in a tiny attic for years, but she had to have been beautiful at one point, to catch Rochester's attention and get him to marry her so ridiculously quickly in the first place. An undercover hottie is really perfect casting for poor, poor Bertha.
11 replies · active 515 weeks ago
ElectricHarpsichord's avatar

ElectricHarpsichord · 515 weeks ago

Yes, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS. When the most recent Jane Eyre film was released and they described Mr. Rochester as being "darkly handsome" I was just like that is not right! That so goes against the purpose of the book!! BOTH JANE AND ROCHESTER ARE UGLIER THAN HOMEMADE SIN AND THEY ARE STILL HUMANS AND FLAWED AND FALL IN LOVE AND AGHHH
14 replies · active 501 weeks ago
What about Sorcha Cusack in 1973? She was convincing. And rochester was funny in an english way.
Strongly-marked horizontal eyebrows must be traced under that brow; then followed, naturally, a well-defined nose, with a straight ridge and full nostrils; then a flexible-looking mouth, by no means narrow; then a firm chin, with a decided cleft down the middle of it: of course, some black whiskers were wanted, and some jetty hair, tufted on the temples, and waved above the forehead. Now for the eyes: I had left them to the last, because they required the most careful working...

“Good! but not quite the thing,” I thought, as I surveyed the effect: “they want more force and spirit;” and I wrought the shades blacker, that the lights might flash more brilliantly—a happy touch or two secured success.
2 replies · active 515 weeks ago
I took my BFF to see the Mia version, telling her beforehand to expect a cast of super uglies and I was MAD there weren't. I kept turning to her to let her know THIS IS NOT HOW IT SHOULD BE, STOP ENJOYING FASSBENDER'S FACE/BOD.
Rachel Dratch is Jane Eyre forever.
I mean come on. Perfect. Make that face more.
There's a lot of Hot Apologia in this comment section. We are all that casting director from the Simpsons: "TV ugly, not UGLY ugly..."
2 replies · active 515 weeks ago
I've seen one or two adaptations and am ignorant of dozens I am sure. Are you seriously telling me that nobody ever cast Timothy Spall as Rochester?
I am *here* for dream casting Burney novels. What actors are suitable for the quivering sad sacks of masculinity that are Burney's male characters?
2 replies · active 515 weeks ago
so you just have the horrible sensation of interior folding and retching until you can’t breathe

I just came here to say this is upsettingly accurate.
I'm in for this:

Jane Eyre: some wet batteries

Mr. Rochester: An old boot stuffed with paper bags full of spaghetti

kickstarter y/n?
1 reply · active 515 weeks ago
I don't want any new adaptations of anything until I get Muppet Pride and Prejudice with Gugu Mbatha-Raw as Jane and Lupita Nyong'o as Lizzie and Kristen Stewart as Caroline Bingley.
10 replies · active 515 weeks ago
painterstape's avatar

painterstape · 515 weeks ago

Everybody needs to read Ironskin, which is Jane Eyre with faries and steampunk and is totally awesome.
1 reply · active 515 weeks ago
Fassbender is for sure too handsome to actually be Rochester, but at least his face isn't as perfectly symmetrical as a Greek statue's like Timothy Dalton. The single most absurd moment in all of cinema is when Dalton goes "Do you think me handsome?" and the babe playing Jane says, "No, sir," while you're falling over yourself going, "Your face is objectively and mathematically perfect, obviously she thinks you're handsome."
1 reply · active 515 weeks ago
George C. Scott was perfect Rochester casting except that, in the version he was in, he was too old and the script was just terrible.
1 reply · active 470 weeks ago
How about Steve Buscemi as Rochester?
1 reply · active 515 weeks ago
I agree 100% with everything in this article but I'm not gonna lie, when I saw the Wasikowska/Fassbender version in the theater, I and the two friends who saw it with me actually moaned aloud at the scene when she puts her hand on his thigh while he's on the horse. I mean seriously JFC I thought I was going to spontaneously combust.

So yes yes yes in theory to all of this but those two had such amazing chemistry that I am able to overlook (and did overlook) any other quibbles about that production.
6 replies · active 515 weeks ago
I disagree with the assessment that Jane is meant to be "ugly". She's not. She's plain and nothing special looks wise, but she isn't ugly. Edward is meant to be the ugly one.

Put Ciarán Hinds' Rochester with Ruth Wilson's Jane and you have pretty perfect casting in my book.
1 reply · active 461 weeks ago
For some reason I suddenly want to see a queered, all-female version of Jane Eyre.
3 replies · active 484 weeks ago
theatticwife's avatar

theatticwife · 515 weeks ago

Okay, so Dalton was SUPER hot, but can we also agree he was SUPER crazy? Like, 'Jane get the hell away from him, he keeps screwing up your hair and smothering your face in his GIANT HANDS, and CRYING all the time, you need to go until you hear his ghostly voice calling to you across the forlorn wilderness.'
3 replies · active 470 weeks ago
Adam Driver for Mr. Rochester. Enough with the May-December crap.
12 replies · active 515 weeks ago
I just remembered that young Jane in the Gainsbourg version was Anna Paquin.
1 reply · active 515 weeks ago
Benedict Cumberbatch as Rochester or Jane.
1 reply · active 461 weeks ago
Can we agree though that Bertha was CREOLE and also Blanche Ingram had dark skin, black "oriental" eyes, thick jet black hair? Every time I watch a Jane Eyre adaptation (which ok, is often, despite all this) I truly scream a little to see yet another alabaster waif scramble/flounce on to screen as Bertha or Blanche. Blanche was some kind of fucking Gwyneth Paltrow lookalike in one of them. It isn't as if their physical descriptions could have been any less ambiguous on the point of being DARK and having BROWN and BLACK everything!!!!!!!

I have a lot of pain about Heathcliff in this respect too.
1 reply · active 515 weeks ago
surelyblossom's avatar

surelyblossom · 515 weeks ago

If they ever did a comedic Jane Eyre (not really sure what that would look like...), Jemaine Clement should play Rochester.
4 replies · active 513 weeks ago
Well maybe Hollywood is just too polite to overtly tell someone they're ugly by casting them as Jane Eyre? So they cast babes and do this "we'll just put less concealer on them" business?

Oh ha ha, I do like to laugh.
1 reply · active 515 weeks ago
OK HERE IS A COMMENT ABOUT A HOT PERSON: St John. Handsome, manipulative, controlling St John Rivers, who can't understand that other people have real emotions and who represses his own feelings in an overtly masochistic way. Will we EVER get a Jane Eyre adaptation that actually treats Jane's time with the Rivers family as anything other than a short interlude? Because it's clearly *vital*. I mean, the novel even closes with a reference to St John, come on. St John is meant to be enormously seductive, in his icy terrifying way - and what's seductive about him is that he offers oblivion. Jane could lose herself. She chooses not to; not only does she choose Rochester, but she chooses her freedom as an individual once again. Which is p much the point of the book. I've seen so many versions where St John is a kindly vicar and uuuugh.
7 replies · active 510 weeks ago
Bookwench's avatar

Bookwench · 515 weeks ago

I want Bertha played by David Walliams as "Anne" - haunting Jane and Rochester with her "eh eh ehhhh"
I think this is why British adaptations tend to be a little better, since British actors tend to look slightly more normal than American actors (except that I'm still mad about Hermione - I love Emma Watson, but she was way too cute to be Hermione in the first 3 movies - so disregard my point).
1 reply · active 515 weeks ago
The thing about Jane is that the "abuse" before she went to school was that she had to make her own bed and had no-one in the house of her own age to play with. Yes, her school in the first year she was there was horrific -- but after the reform, she notes, briefly, that she loved it so much they had to find her a job so that she would leave. As a governess, she thought disparaging things about her charge Adele and frequently left her alone so she could go for long walks on the moor. It really wasn't Adele's fault that her mother worked in the opera.
2 replies · active 515 weeks ago
Considering how hard producers believe it is to sell a film, especially a romantic film, without conventionally attractive people i think that the Janes at least look like an (cute) elf and not like a femme fatale. Holywood could make a Jane Eyre starring Penelope Cruz and Johnny Depp.
I just never really believed that grown-up Jane was unattractive. You can definitely cast her as too in-your-face beautiful. But I think we've lost "plain" as a meaningful looks setting -- there's either beautiful or ugly and nothing in between. I guess it's partly is that make-up is so normal now? Most "pretty" people now would spend a lot more time looking plain if they weren't even allowed mascara.I thought Jane was describing herself as neither pretty nor ugly --but as neutral, unremarkable, unnoticeable. The kind of person you'd know for a while before you even thought about her looks. I also thought she was selling herself short after a lifetime of assaults on her self-esteem, especially because period fiction is FULL of heroines who are all "oh no I am so far from beautiful, with my delicate, elfin features and huge eyes" (wait, didn't Mallory do a piece about exactly that?) And the thing about unremarkable-looking people who don't dress to their looks is that they can often scrub up really well.

Like when she's all happy and in love and glowing Rochester is like WHOA, DID YOU DO SOMETHING TO YOUR HAIR, YOU LOOK HELLA HOT TODAY, and Diana is all "No, the problem with you marrying St John is not that you're not in his league, because you ARE. The problem is that he wants you to die of cholera in India."

And honestly when she's drawing Rochester and it's all "strong chin" that and "straight eyebrows" this and "flashing dark eyes" the other it's hard to work out HOW exactly he's not handsome. About the most unhandsome I can imagine to fit the description is a late 30s Gordon Brown, who really wasn't so bad.*

Lucy Snowe, though, I do think needs to be played by a character actress who definitely does not have leading lady looks.

*A thought! Instead of fantasy casting actors, fantasy cast politicians! A class of people in the public eye who look weird to normal and we get to say so!
3 replies · active 511 weeks ago
"what we need is an adaptation of The Wanderer"

YES. I recommend this book so much I should probably just get business cards printed up that say "Read The Wanderer or Either_Ada will plague you about it forever, even from beyond the grave." I would settle for everyone watching the movie instead.

There is not enough recognition for that book or Charlotte Smith in the world. The only thing I am certain I agree with Wordsworth about is that she was a poet "to whom English verse is under greater obligations than are likely to be either acknowledged or remembered". And I would say ditto to English novels.
1 reply · active 470 weeks ago
Exactly - most of her plainness was attributed to her severe and dull-colored wardrobe & hair, and her unsmiling, very serious demeanor. (Anne Elliott got the same treatment in Persuasion).

And Rochester was described sort of Heathcliffy, I thought - all wild and moody and unkempt but he sure cleaned up nice when the ladies came a'calling.
For me, the big problem with a filmed version of Jane Eyre is that Jane Eyre is one long internal monologue, so we get to hear all the incredibly snarky shit Jane thinks but doesn't say. Internally the character is snark personified; externally she's, well, what Rochester thinks she is, a little mouse, a silent, stoicly angelic waif. So if you film it, you have to do it with a voiceover or better Ferris-Bueller-breaking-the-fourth-wall style.
1 reply · active 455 weeks ago
عرفت مؤخرا العاب بنات جديدة انتشارا كبيرة وكما انها اكتسبت جماهير كتيرة واغلبها البنات فهن يلعبن اكتر من الاولاد لهذا نجد ان هذا النوع هو المشهور والمنتشر اكتر في مواقع الالعاب وكما ان هذا النوع بدوره يشمل اصناف كتيرة سنتعرف عليها الان ومن بينها العاب الطبخ الدي يملك معجبين كتر جدا ويعتبر هو الاول تم يليه العاب التلبيس وهذا الآخر ممتع ويحبه الكتير لان التلبيس تعشقه البنات اكتر من الاولاد وهذا امر بديهي ومعروف وبعده بالتتابع يوجد العاب المكياج او الميك اب نوع جميل ومحبوب عند الصغار والكبار ويبقى في الاخير نوع قص الشعر وهو الاقل اهتماما سواء من الاولاد او البنات وكانت هذه جميعها اصناف العاب بنات .
The cowardice in only casting extremely beautiful actors in love stories is somewhat patronizing for it is a reductionist and marketing approach to adaptation.

Although not at all hideous, yet not handsome either, PAUL GIAMATTI must be a rightful intense Rochester. He's a specialist in playing angry, abrasive characters.
I wish, I wish.

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