Link Roundup! -The Toast

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Home: The Toast

Ask a Manager is one of my fav sites and oooooh lordy LW #2 needs to stahhhp:

Recently a new person joined our team. We got along well so I went ahead and asked her out. She said that she doesn’t mix dating with work.

Now, since she said no, I figured she wasn’t interested in me and I kind of instinctively started avoiding looking at her in a group setting since I didn’t want to be a creeper, but I didn’t avoid or ignore her if she was in front of me and continued to greet her as usual.

We’re in different roles so, aside from maybe a common meeting per week, our interaction lasts only for about 10 minutes every day in a group setting and that too can easily pass off without us really requiring any direct conversation. I am not sure how she construed my behavior but it seemed like she didn’t like it. One day when I didn’t make any eye contact with her in a meeting, she looked upset when I said hi to her in the break room. I think she thought I was giving her the silent treatment or something, when in reality I’m a really quiet/shy person and I didn’t want to make things awkward or be labeled as a creeper.

Anyway, from the next day onward, I stopped avoiding eye contact with her. For a whole week straight, she would look me in the eyes the first thing every day during our 10 minute stand up meeting. She stopped doing this abruptly one fine day. I have since tried thrice to re-initiate conversation with her, while she does respond back she doesn’t initiate any conversation herself. She looked in my eyes again this last week.

Any suggestions/advice on how I should proceed? I’m completely at a loss here and I have re-kindled my feelings for her. Should I go back to instinctively avoiding her?

I 100% support right-to-die legislation as a matter of personal freedom and bodily autonomy, but I am not unsympathetic to the contrary stance and reasoning of many disability activists (the idea that we should focus on improving end-of-life resources and care, amongst other things, and not make it seem like being in a wheelchair, say, is the worst thing imaginable), and I thought this somewhat-related piece in the New Yorker was good.


June 12th 1970: One of the most important days in sports history, a day perhaps bigger than any Stanley Cup victory, any World Series, or any Superbowl. 45 years ago today, Dock Ellis pitched an eight-walk, 2-0, no hit-victory while high on LSD.

We talked a lil bit about the Game of Thrones finale yesterday but let’s talk about it again, someone start a thread! I watched the last two eps on Sunday bc I had been out of town, and my husband lost his everlovin’ shit about The Stannis Thing and has been muttering darkly about it ever since.

I miss you all so much when I’m away, I just wanted to tell you that.

My little cousin came home from her babysitter’s and told her mom “we got into trouble today, we said the b-word,” and her mom was like “OH WOW what happened???” and she said “we were upset and we just said it and then our babysitter made us do the dishes” and her mom was all “solid choice, babysitter” but was worried about the b-word thing and then asked the babysitter about what happened and learned that the b-word was “bored.”

LOL, it is one thing to be “look, we pay for the water so fuck all of y’alls and your dumb state” IN YOUR HEAD, but to vigorously defend said premise in public is just…amazing:

“I call it the war on suburbia,” said Brett Barbre, who lives in the Orange County community of Yorba City, another exceptionally wealthy Zip code.

Barbre sits on the 37-member board of directors of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, a huge water wholesaler serving 17 million customers. He is fond of referring to his watering hose with Charlton Heston’s famous quote about guns: “They’ll have to pry it from my cold, dead hands.”

Are you familiar with the fascinating water feature at the Detroit Airport? It’s very attractive and strange. Here is a video of it. Now, imagine this video, but with a small girl child flinging her body into it while her father’s back was turned and getting soaked to the skin about twenty minutes before boarding the remaining four-hour flight to her home:

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