Wednesday Link Roundup! -The Toast

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Home: The Toast

“When men read Mary Gaitskill, their boners deflate.”

NDB, but Sondheim is updating “Company” to make Bobby the gay man he always should have been and he’s cast DANIEL EVANS, who is perfect. Though I’d also like to see Raul Esparza reprise the role. No bad options!

You’ve seen Donald Glover’s Instagram stuff, but we’d feel sad if we didn’t link it anyway.

Just Cord Jefferson being really good at life and being a person again.

The Chronicle of Higher Education talked to a bunch of female scientists of colour about their experiences in academia.

What Prudie should have said to LW#1: buy a Boyz II Men cassette tape and keep playing and rewinding “I’ll Make Love To You” while your husband gives you The Business. NO, do a staged reading of “You Can Be As Loud As The Hell You Want (When You’re Making Love)” from Avenue Q. Or kick her out, whatever.

If you’re in an airplane bathroom and you’re bored with just looking at your jaundiced appearance and cracked, dry airplane hands…

We’re not above loving Elizabeth Berkley dancing to “I’m So Excited” like everyone else. You can use it to talk about Showgirls, too, because Showgirls is the greatest.

I only learned to drive like three years ago, but I love it and do NOT welcome our robot overlords.

“Of course, some people will say condemning Mailer for the act of stabbing his wife is too harsh, ignores all his wonderful writing. In this is a curious belief that writing has or should have the power of absolution, a belief that many writers would themselves dispute. (No one feels very forgiven by producing even the most brilliant draft of a novel.) But look: I think we can all be reasonably said to agree that people ought not to pick up knives and stab their spouses, full stop.” –Michelle Dean, controversially suggesting that Norman Mailer’s wife-stabbing need not be interpreted as an attempt to “rescue the writer in himself from the spiritual prison he had created with his fantasies of becoming a politician,” but is rather just the same old bullshit.

If, like me, you have replaced your collegiate assigned reading with just keeping up with Longreads, it might be nice to toss them a little money. No pressure, I mean, it’s not like we get any of it.

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