Monday Link Roundup! -The Toast

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Home: The Toast

Roxane Gay:

What happened is still a true story, one that is indicative of the pervasiveness of racism, and how no part of your life is ever truly free from it. Privilege only reaches so far. I suppose I am grateful, in a twisted way, that this pathetic man was in the Dallas Forth Worth airport to remind me.

Darmirra Brunson, not currently on SNL. Okay, did you watch the Kerry Washington cold open? What did you think?

Nancy Wake, BAMF:

“It was well-acted but in parts it was extremely stupid,” she said. “At one stage they had me cooking eggs and bacon to feed the men. For goodness’ sake, did the Allies parachute me into France to fry eggs and bacon for the men? There wasn’t an egg to be had for love nor money. Even if there had been, why would I be frying it? I had men to do that sort of thing.”

Lord knows, it would be the first time.

The thing that those The Hills Have Eyes movies are about.

Oh, what? Planes with skydivers in them collided? Everyone was fine? Makes sense.

Some people are still pulling for Rob Ford, and they’re on Twitter.

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