Link Roundup! -The Toast

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Home: The Toast

This typhoon, guys! Terrifying.

All the popular etymologies are lies. No, “tips” does not come from To Insure Prompt Service, so tell that guy to shut up. All of the other things are lies too.

Mugshots were 6000% cooler in the 1920s.

Karl Lagerfeld’s cat.

J: When was the first time you saw Choupette?
K: She was not mine. A friend of mine [Ed. note: It was male model and Lagerfeld muse Baptiste Giabiconi], he had to travel, and he asked if I could take her into my house, where people could take care of her. And when he came back two weeks later, I said, “I’m sorry, Choupette will stay.” And he was very sweet. He got another one. But she is not as good as Choupette.

Shopping mall photographs from the 1980s.

Reflexively linking to new article about Brittney Griner:

At the WNBA’s rookie orientation, Griner says she declined to participate in a session about makeup application and how to dress. “I don’t need that shit,” she says without rancor, adding that the only lecture she appreciated was one on 401(k)s. (Yes, new WNBA players are taught how to apply makeup while NBA rookies learn to beware of gold-digger groupies who might prick tiny holes in condoms.)

Toast editor makes blowjob gesture at Time Magazine.

YES, Starship Troopers.

Just for funsies, what Lord of the Rings character are you most like? Ask your partner what Lord of the Rings character you are most like.

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