Link Roundup! -The Toast

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Home: The Toast

Ta-Nehisi Coates, while shutting downnnn Richard Cohen, linked back to an old post about a friend of his (Prince Jones) who was killed (murdered, to be more accurate) by the police, and it’s really powerful:

I can’t tell you how angry that made me. And anger breeds hate and blindness. And so for a good year, after 9/11 I was blind. I couldn’t feel what this city was feeling. My son was almost two, and the thought of raising him right and him still becoming “a cost of doing business” filled me with fear–and more anger. The idea that someone, whose salary you were paying, could be lethally incompetent and yet continue to keep their job just burned me.

Modern Farmer has a pie chart of pies.

A glorious little academic mansplaining buffet.

BRB, downloading Lulu to see if exes are on it yet. Oh, my God, everyone is on it, automatically, and many of them have ratings. How is this okay? This isn’t okay, right?

Surprise! Maybe you didn’t have herpes, and all those awk conversations with half a shirt on were for nothing.

Dot Com was in The Departed.

Casey Cep on Flannery O’Connor’s prayer journal.

Guantánamo Bay, 12 years on.

The 2000 best public high schools in the nation, with the caveat that “best” means whatever Newsweek decides it should, and it has a lot to do with money and access.

Oh, an “accident.” Seems legit.

The rich guys of Instagram with lions (some of these are hyenas and stuff, tbh.)

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