Link Roundup! -The Toast

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Home: The Toast

I’m in North Carolina for my brother’s wedding, and I almost missed my flight because my cab never came (in Utah! You can’t just FLAG ONE DOWN HERE, at 5:30am) and I was reminded that a friend of ours says the optimum number of flights to miss in your lifetime cannot be zero, or you have wasted too much time being early for flights. That friend is made of sterner stuff than I.

I’m obsessed with “Annotation Tuesday,” and cannot believe Elon Green got Lillian Ross ON THE PHONE to talk about her 1950 New Yorker profile of Ernest Hemingway:

You know, the first time I ever ate caviar was when Mary Hemingway served it in the hotel. That didn’t make me addicted to caviar. It was an interesting experience and I liked it. If they were drinking, I would taste it. It didn’t make a drinker out of me. I also knew Faulkner. He’d come visit me in New York and say he was going into detox. It was never very successful. If he wanted to drink, that was his business.

Ten great Christmas songs recorded by Jewish singers.

Someday we’ll be famous enough to score interviews with Baxter from Anchorman.

Anne Helen Petersen talks to Danielle Henderson, the woman behind Feminist Ryan Gosling:

Real talk: what’s book promotion like, labor-wise?

Either I’m really awful at it or I’m not as misanthropic as I’ve always thought, because it was kind of awesome and mostly a breeze. To be fair, it’s not like I wrote War and Peace—my book has 120 pictures of Ryan Gosling in it, so it’s not really a hard thing to sell.

These oral histories from Vulture are just incredible. And…this one is about the final death montage from Six Feet Under:

Lauren Ambrose (Claire Fisher): I cry when I hear the song. It’s Pavlovian. If it comes on when I’m at yoga or something, I’ll cry. I’m always worried people will notice and be like, Oh, is that the girl from the show? But I live in the woods in the middle of nowhere.

Hall: I just associate it with an image. I see Claire backlit by the sun, driving, right on the crest of crying. It’s that image — boom — it sweeps into me.

Our Dad Magazine editors and frequent Toast contributers Jaya Saxena and Matt Lubchansky have turned their comic into a BOOK, which you could BUY.

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