Link Roundup! -The Toast

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EVERYONE: go back and read Bend It Like Beckham: A Celebration! Some weird file thing cut out the second half of the piece, and I have now restored it, and it’s beautiful and you need to read it and share it on all your social media accounts.

Downton Abbey pick-up lines:



Jaya explores 19th century American attempts at Indian cuisine, with surprisingly pleasant results.

Ta-Nehisi “Kindly Genius” Coates on Melissa Harris-Perry, and what it means to be a public intellectual:

This began because I claimed that Melissa Harris-Perry is “America’s foremost public intellectual.” I made this claim because of Harris-Perry’s background: Ph.D. from Duke; stints at Princeton and Tulane; the youngest woman to deliver the Du Bois lecture at Harvard; author of two books; trustee at the Century Foundation. I made this claim because of her work: I believe Harris-Perry to be among the sharpest interlocutors of this historic era—the era of the first black president—and none of those interlocutors communicate to a larger public, and in a more original way, than Harris-Perry.

I don’t know how I feel about this yet, but it’s very thoughtfully and carefully written and we should read it.

Meryl and Emma forever.

In September this year, I woke up to an excellent dick pic (SFW, illustrated only with an eggplant.)

For all the bittersweet lols, check out #NYTwomensobits:

Rookie, on aggravating grown-ass men talking about teenage girls:

I know I have a vested interest in this whole thing because I’m an aspiring cultural critic and a current young woman, but I think I speak for all girls and women between the ages of 13 and 19 when I say that grown-up male journalists are probably not the best choice to assign stories about teen-girl culture to (keeping in mind those aforementioned exceptions). What they come up with, too much of the time, is a lot of off-base and frankly clueless speculation about what girls think, what we do, what we want, and what we need.

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