Link Roundup! -The Toast

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Here is a righteous Storify about why NPR letting abortion protesters get away with portraying themselves as wee praying grandmas is hot nonsense.

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Here is a glorious angry screed about the tainted water in West Virginia:

To hell with everyone who ever asked me how I could stand to live in a place like this, so dirty and unhealthy and uneducated. To hell with everyone who ever asked me why people don’t just leave, don’t just quit (and go to one of the other thousand jobs I suppose you imagine are widely available here), like it never occurred to us, like if only we dumb hilljacks would listen as you explained the safety hazards, we’d all suddenly recognize something that hadn’t been on our radar until now.

Virginia man is a dickwad.

Juliet Jacques (quite wonderfully), on what “before and after” pictures fail to convey about transition:

I doubt that anyone who looks only at the before and after pictures of me would be able to see much of this. Although they would probably be better placed to tell me how my features had changed. But, really, that always struck me as the least interesting thing about my experience. And after everything that’s happened, it still does.


“The Book of My Enemy Has Been Remaindered“:

The book of my enemy has been remaindered
And I rejoice.
It has gone with bowed head like a defeated legion
Beneath the yoke.
What avail him now his awards and prizes,
The praise expended upon his meticulous technique,
His individual new voice?

Wait, is this sushi roll about abortion? I can’t tell.

Katie Heaney is really, really working on it (dating):

One of the things I’ve agreed to is Tinder, which I remember to go on maybe once a week. It allows me (and my roommate) to feel like I’m doing something about dating, kind of the same way moving various cookbooks and ceramic dishes into and out of my Amazon shopping cart “counts” toward learning to cook.

These INCREDIBLE Gustave Doré illustrations for “The Raven,” guys!  Go look!

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