Link Roundup! -The Toast

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Home: The Toast

semicolon-mainClaire Messud is totally right about the semi-colon.

Oh, and then her genius husband wrote this thing which made me homesick and sad and despairing of ever writing anything worth reading:

I have now lived 18 years in the United States. It’s a bit feeble to say I didn’t expect to stay that long; and ungrateful, or even meaningless or dishonest, to say I didn’t want to. I must have wanted to; there has been plenty of gain. But I had so little concept of what might be lost.

Wanna hear a now-famous Toast author explain doge to the BBC? I am picturing her interviewer as Mycroft.

Amazingly, even if you are all super-religious, campus sexual assault = STILL A PROBLEM, SOMETIMES WORSE

1899949_766918923319088_836240208_nThis petting guide is tight.

Sherri Day:

And still I worry that my husband and I may not be doing enough. We want our boys to make names for themselves. But not as causes celebres, some footnote in the annals of black boys wrongly killed. We want them to live.

Rebecca Traister on what we have to look forward to:

Yet somehow, the male politicians in these conversations seem sure that America is going to be shocked by the notion that women make complicated choices in their pursuit of both professional and personal goals.

Some Mavis Gallant. I can’t even talk about her yet.

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