Toast Points: The Week of Feb. 21st, 2014 -The Toast

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As my image choices suggest, I think you need to read The Criterion Weed Collection again, or for the first time (o! lucky child who can read it again for the first time)

I would also like you to read Vanessa Willoughby’s Lost and Found, because it’s so perfect:

The summer we lost the dog was the summer that we lost Joey. It seems somewhat misleading, even crude to say that we lost the dog because to lose something implies that you noticed when it was gone and to say that I lost Joey would be simplification, an attempt to beautify a carrion. We lost the dog that summer because my father was tired of looking out for another life. We lost Joey because the whiteness of the suburbs was driving us crazy, monochromatic ignorance like a drill that just keep tearing and tearing through boards until its spiraling head hit air.


Girl on Wire: Thoughts on Tightrope Walking is really beautifully written.

Don’t miss The Gossip Columns of H.P. Lovecraft, of course.

And, finally, I love all our pieces equally, but the Blanche DuBois/Jessica Day thing is the best thing. Okay! Enjoy your weekend, filled with my love.

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