Link Roundup! -The Toast

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Home: The Toast

Please allow me to draw your attention to my late-breaking post on the Gwyneth/Chris divorce, which is mostly just jubilant shouting of Mountain Goats lyrics.

Really powerful account of post-concussion syndrome; we actually have an upcoming piece by a young woman who continues to have real cognitive deficits as a result of her concussion, and my niece was derailed by hers for almost a year. BE CAREFUL OUT THERE, kids!

There is a mountain lion wandering around the backyards of my neighbourhood, and even though I know it would kill me with very little fuss on its part, I have these recurring fantasies that this would happen instead, because of my physical fitness and also my really deep-seated and repressed bloodlust:


Jamelle Bouie on Rand Paul saying something not completely ludicrous for once.

I subscribe to every cosmetics-subscription-thing there is, and I don’t want to hear if it’s dumb, because my guests enjoy having thousands of weird little bottles at their disposal.

Which Toronto neighbourhood should you live in? I got Queen West.

“From Peyote to Plan B”: a Supreme Court primer


In the course of seven weeks, Waterson interviewed a hundred and twenty-seven families about their reaction to articles that begin with a wryly affectionate parenting anecdote, segue into a dry cataloguing of sociological research enlivened with alternately sarcastic and tender asides, and end with another wryly affectionate anecdote that aims to add a touch of irony or, failing at that, sentimentality.

The grad student debt bubble.


The rise and fall of professional bowling:

In the “golden era” of the 1960s and 70s, they made twice as much money as NFL stars, signed million dollar contracts, and were heralded as international celebrities. After each match, they’d be flanked by beautiful women who’d seen them bowl on television, or had read about them in Sports Illustrated.

You have a new Tennessee Williams story to look forward to!

I peaced on HIMYM a season or two ago, but I’m casually following the dead mom? theories, etc., and VF (VANITY FAIR, people) did a GIF-y recap of the most recent episode, and I would like to hear your HIMYM thoughts.

Would you like to watch Angie Jordan say “ham” for thirty minutes?

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