Link Roundup! -The Toast

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Home: The Toast

Gretchen McCulloch on negation in Welcome to Night Vale.

EVERYONE go watch my heroine, Kacy, mow down the American Ninja Warrior course! You can probably appreciate it without watching jacked dudes with twice her wingspan fail to complete, but it DOES make it so much sweeter.

I am sure e-cigarettes will kill us all, but oh, man, the flavor options! My dad just has green apple (he is definitely part of the described problem, having quit cold-turkey on a DARE like thirty years ago when he worked at a nylon factory and now enjoying a few pleasant after-dinner drags a few times a week) but now I’m gonna put the pressure on him to LEVEL UP. Banana-nut bread!

(Don’t smoke.)

Remember to be around at 1pm EST to talk about chapter 1-12 of An Untamed State!

Let it be a shark, quit harshing my mellow. OH IT’S A HOAX, fuck you.

I 100% want to give this Kickstarter my money bc it is very dear to my heart, but then if they succeeded I would watch it and cry for roughly a week, so.

Daquan is a white girl, and Black Twitter is dead.


I am experiencing some serious peer pressure to start playing the Kim Kardashian app, but I don’t trust myself not to get way too into it, so I’m still holding out. ALSO, afraid of this:


No, Jason Patric. I think not. Also, guys, GUYS, and by guys I mean girls: if you want to be a solo parent, do not ever get donor sperm from someone you know, get it from a sperm bank so you are legally protected. Wow, I’m telling you what to do a LOT today. I’ll cool that now.

My favourite deleted comment from yesterday:

Screen Shot 2014-07-16 at 2.19.51 PM

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