Link Roundup! -The Toast

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#ferguson #mikebrown

Storify by Shrill Cosby on the Ferguson shooting.

The war photo no one would publish:

Yet the AP’s reaction was repeated at TIME and LIFE. Both magazines briefly considered the photo, unofficially referred to as “Crispy,” for publication. The photo departments even drew up layout plans. TIME, which had sent Jarecke to the Gulf in the first place, planned for the image to accompany a story about the Highway of Death.

“We fought like crazy to get our editors to let us publish that picture,” former photo director Michele Stephenson tells me. As she recalls, Henry Muller, the managing editor, told her, “TIME is a family magazine.” And the image was, when it came down to it, just too disturbing for the outlet to publish. It was, to her recollection, the only instance during the Gulf War where the photo department fought but failed to get an image into print.

Applications for our job posting are closing at end-of-business today (CALIFORNIA TIME.)

Malcolm Gladwell is a monster.

LOOK WHAT DARTH MADE FOR ME! (I had just tweeted: “A light-hearted YA comedy in which a young Jewish child uses a time machine she builds herself to convince Roald Dahl that Jews are great.”)


I love these little comedy lead-ins to NBC’s Premier League coverage, and that is THE TRUTH. Part One, Part Two.

I watched a 215 minute documentary about The Eagles yesterday, AMA (or just look at the billion tweets I made during that time period)

“Was it great? Do you love The Eagles? Do you have really, really expensive tickets to see them at Salt Lake City’s Energy Solutions Arena on your birthday, which is Sept. 2nd?”


Roxane is doing Outlander recaps for Vulture.

You can watch a lot of the super-old Sesame Street episodes on Netflix, and Bob is frequently rocking this denim-tucked-into-denim situation that I’m now obsessed with, and they are ALWAYS pitted out, bc we have better antiperspirants now:

Screen Shot 2014-08-10 at 12.14.36 PM

Oh boy.

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