Link Roundup! -The Toast

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Home: The Toast


Autopsy findings.

Jamelle Bouie on “black-on-black crime.”

Mallory has received your (numerous) notes of sympathy, and thanks you for respecting her privacy at this difficult time. She officially wishes Brittney and Glory all the best. Also, do not click the pending comments option at that link, because not everyone appreciates that Brittney Griner “wears a breastplate of truth, and a girdle of strength, and a helmet of integrity, and she is arm’d so strong in honesty that your threats pass by her as th’ idle wind, which she respects not” and is also incredibly gorgeous.


Mallory and I were talking about this piece, which is awkwardly framed (like, “look, it can even happen to white people!”) but the GENERAL POINT that cops collude on this “he grabbed for my gun” excuse for shooting unarmed people is solid, as is the legislation it calls for:

In April of this year we passed a law that made Wisconsin the first state in the nation to mandate at legislative level that police-related deaths be reviewed by an outside agency. Ten days after it went into effect in May, local police shot a man sleeping on a park bench 15 times. It’s one of the first incidents to be investigated under the new law.

My dad’s girlfriend found a copy of the Worst Book Ever Written For Fat Girls (WRITTEN BY A FUCKING MAN, OF COURSE) which her mom had given her in a passive-aggressive gesture when she was in grade school (Dad’s gf: “wow, my mom was a real cunt”), and lent it to me, and I kind of want to just take photos of every page and put them on the site so we can mock it, but it also bummed me out and is generally not the sort of content we run, so I’m just gonna do this one:

photo (27)

Spoiler alert: instead of Catundra, the fat cat, eating the mole, she lets him badger her into dieting on leaves and running around 24/7 until she gets skinny and then no one makes fun of her ever again. Because that, children, is how bullies work.

This cat-adopting-a-bunny video is tight as shit.

Classic Dune moment. (Courtesy of my younger brother.)

Ashamed to say I clicked through on a Ringly ad and only left the site when it became clear the Emerald option was sold out.

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