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ugh, roxane is great even when writing a “hey, broke something in my ankle” post:

When you’re fat, one of your biggest fears is the fall while you’re alone and need to call EMTs scenario. It’s a fear I have nurtured over the years and now that fear has finally come true. “And you’re still alive,” she said. I suppose that’s the thing about fear. You dread it but you have little choice but to endure.

Thankfully I had my phone in my pocket, so I pulled myself into the anteroom of the bathroom where I could have a signal. My foot was starting to hurt but nowhere near as badly as I thought it should hurt based on lots of ER viewing. 911 answered promptly. At the same time, there was a plumbing crisis but I couldn’t cope with that and my fucked up foot so I just moved it to the corner of my mind. While on the phone with the kind 911 operator I blurted out, “I’m fat,” like, it was some deep mark of shame and he said, “That’s not a problem.”

Our own Sulagna Misra on being ambiguously brown:

Even my high school, where students and teachers alike grilled me about being Indian, has changed; when my brother went to the same school seven years later, he had several more brown classmates and much less ennui about being one of only a few brown kids in school. When cartoon shows I loved as a kid had Indian characters, they were caricatures of foreignness—like Sanjay in Fairly Odd Parents, whose white voiceover actor used a heavily exaggerated accent to play the character. So I was delightfully surprised to find the recent show Sanjay & Craig, with an Indian American actor (a long-time favorite of mine) voicing the lead.

I just really love the Parisian butt plug public art thing, and that it’s called Tree, and that’s all. THOSE BASTARDS!

why on earth should you be allowed to Stand Your Ground when your domestic partner attacks you in your own home:

Most recently, Kidd raised this argument in vigorously pursuing a murder case against Whitlee Jones, whose screams for help as her boyfriend pulled her down the street by her hair prompted a neighbor to call the cops during a 2012 altercation. When the officer arrived that night, the argument had already ended and Jones had fled the scene. While she was out, Jones decided to leave her boyfriend, Eric Lee, and went back to the house to pack up her things. She didn’t even know the police officer had been there earlier that night, her lawyer Mary Ford explained. She packed a knife to protect herself, and as she exited the house, she says Lee attacked her and she stabbed Lee once in defense. He died, although Jones says she did not intend to kill him.

On October 3, Circuit Judge J.C. Nicholson sided with Jones and granted her Stand Your Ground immunity, meaning she is exempt from trial on the charge. In response to Kidd’s argument that individuals could not invoke Stand Your Ground to defend against violence in their own homes, Nicholson said that dynamic would create the “nonsensical result” that a victim of domestic abuse could defend against an attacker outside of the home, but not inside the home – where the most vicious domestic violence is likely to occur.

Oh, man.

Abbott has spent eight months now with the sofa set, and some days, she can shrug off the costs. She’ll sink into the cushions just before her kids get out of school and say she wouldn’t trade the feeling “for a million bucks.” Normal families have sofas, she says, and you’ll do what it takes to feel normal.

pumpkin riot

Sarah Miller wrote this incredible thing about trying to profile Anna Nicole Smith:

I wrote a first draft, in which, without spelling everything out, I attempted to give some real sense of that day. “I can’t publish this,” my editor said, and in her defense, I’m sure she was right. I wrote another version that made it sound like I’d had fun, which took hours and hours, because it was not real; writing something that is not real is not impossible, but it is very close to it. Through every long moment I worked on it I cursed myself for not taking that stupid trip to Magic Mountain, which would have made it all so much easier. Anyway, they published that version, and I got my money.

please be real

pete’s dragon remake with robert redford (breathes into paper bag)

oh it’s about the environment now ok still gonna be there for u pete’s dragon


I went to see Annabelle on Saturday night, and it was much scarier than I expected and I watched most of it from behind my purse, and then we drove home and got into bed and the power went out for NO REASON, like no storm, no winds, NOTHING, and it was terrifying.

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