Movies I Saw in 2014, Categorized -The Toast

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Movies that were simply excellent:

Enough Said
X Men: Days of Future Past
The Purge 2: Anarchy
Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier
The Equalizer

The movie I unexpectedly LOVED and feel a bit guilty about loving because UGH:


Movies that made me think NOPE:

The Incredible Burt Wonderstone

The movie I watched on a cross-country flight that was mediocre but still really compelling because I was a captive audience:

Need for Speed

The movie I was asked to watch and then I put it off and then I finally got around to it and 200% loved it even though the director and quite a lot of the movie were deeply problematic and also the movie I most want to talk about with people:

Nymphomaniac Parts 1 and 2

The movies that demonstrate how men of any age in Hollywood will get  key roles in feature films,, often defying credulity:

Last Vegas
Escape Plan
3 Days to Kill

The movie that was very good and made me laugh my ass off even though the lead often says sexist things that are not nearly as funny as he thinks and I must admit he seems like a hard worker so I guess it is okay:

Ride Along

The movie that made me shake my head sadly because it reinforced so many damaging messages for women even though by the end, it tried to subvert some of those messages but not hard enough:

Baggage Claim

The movie with a gratuitous probably rape scene that was also terrible in every other respect:

300: The Rise of the 300

The “white man’s burden” movie that was very, very long and inaccurate but probably based on fiction so what is inaccuracy, anyway:


The movies I know by heart that I watched every time I saw them on the TV Guide:


The movie I didn’t really like except for the first twenty minutes that were amazing that I saw four times including once in a hotel, where I paid $17.99 even though I had already seen the movie because I was kind of sad and I wanted to make myself sadder:


The movie that bored me beyond belief:

American Hustle

Pretty boys, stupid movie:

Jack Ryan, Shadow Agent
That Awkward Moment

The movie that tried too hard because the source material is absolutely brilliant and a lot to live up to:

August: Osage County

The movie I went and saw even though I KNEW better and was still stunned by it’s blatant misogyny, particularly when it came to the word “bitch.”

Transformers 4

Movies I noted watching but remember nothing about:

Fire With Fire
You’re Next
Enders Game

The movie from the book that was a key part of my adolescent reading that was a hot ass mess but bless Lifetime’s heart for trying:

Flowers in the Attic

The movie with a “message” that simply was not very memorable or interesting but clearly meant well:

Promised Land

Movies I showed my students because they were relevant to the course material but also because I was tired that day:

The FIfth Estate
We Steal Secrets

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