Toast Points for the Week of April 24th -The Toast

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Yesterday my daughter went to work with her dad for Take Your Child to Work Day. I was a little hurt that she didn’t want to come to work with ME, because I have a great deal of knowledge to drop about where to insert line breaks and how to search for public-domain photos of vintage phones and women reading, but she pointed out that she watches me work all the time (accurate) and then we argued over whether she should write a review of the ice-cream parlor in Chincoteague for The Toast (I said no) (although…it’s not the worst pitch I have ever heard, and the Pony Tracks ice cream was seriously delicious).

Anyway, apart from the heir deciding she doesn’t think my job is “so super interesting,” this was an awesome week at The Toast. Here’s how it went:

Sulagna Misra gave us The Everyday Matters of Superheroes, Part I and Part II.

Mallory gave her younger self some solid advice.

Morgan Jerkins interviewed Meredith Talusan:

Womanhood to me is whatever we make it, however we as a collective society choose to invest in the differences in our bodies and what they’re supposed to mean about us. One of the blessings and curses of growing up in a different culture is that I am keenly aware of how so much of what we invest in gender is relative.

Ranking Byrons

Realistic Recipes

“It’s not that I think I’m above this whole thing, because I don’t. I’m just in a really different place from it, a place that’s separate and slightly higher up from the place everyone else is in, but not above them.” —When I Win This Fucking Award


Jane C. Hu, our most recent Gal Scientist, on the science — and pseudoscience — of the female brain.

My friend Noah Cho and I amused ourselves for two days entire by coming up with a list of Regrettable Things Our White Relatives Have Actually Said To Us, which included such gems as “But I’ve ALWAYS called you an ‘Asian princess!!!'” and “I read somewhere that hybrid people have better genes,” but, you know, transracial adoption/multiracial families = magical cures for racism and aggressive whiteness, I guess

what me, forever

Have you ever wondered what Dorothy Parker would say about Tinder? Wonder no longer!

Really feel like Mallory wrote this just for me. I thank her.

That’s it! It’s the WEEKEND, or might as well be, go have fun!!

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