Link Roundup! -The Toast

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Home: The Toast

What the ACTUAL fuck is this nonsense:

On-duty police officers appear to be eating edible pot products—OC Weekly transcribes words they spoke while egging one another on. (“Those candy bars are pretty good,” one said. “I kinda feel light-headed though.”) Other dialogue offers a number of insights into the subculture of this narcotics unit. Take the woman with an amputated leg that police encountered on entering the dispensary. “Did you punch that one-legged old benita?” one police officer asks another. The other cop laughingly replied, “I was about to kick her in her fucking nub.” These are people Santa Ana taxpayers empower to use lethal force at their discretion.

RIP, Natalia Molchanova:

“She once said ‘death and birth are important and free diving is just a game for adults’. That kind of sums her up. She talked about her children with immense love. Free diving was a curiosity she pursued with passion, but it was not the be-all and end-all in her life.”

Campbell added: “I asked her recently ‘what makes you keeps going?’ and she said it is not world records, just that was she curious about what she could do. She wasn’t sure how long she would continue, but she gained so much pleasure from doing what she did and from teaching and sharing.”

Health care professionals who can’t deal with trans people.

Reddit has pulled the plug on Coontown and its mirror subreddits. Good! Super entertaining Reddit links are now welcome in the roundup once more. It still has plenty of bad subreddits, but I am happy to offer them the soft bigotry of low expectations in this matter.

Agreed, lawns are stupid, do away with them. This chick’s got it.

A Toastie’s sick baby cousin could use our help, and Esther Uwifashije needs help to pay for a kidney very very badly, and is the only one of her mom’s kids who didn’t die in the 1994 Rwandan genocide, so, I MEAN, gosh, what a good thing to do, if you can!

Again, I am SO HAPPY to signal boost donation opportunities you have personal connections to, email me any time. And for those of you who just plain do not have any spare money for donations, know that adding these names to your prayer lists (if you pray) or forwarding to people who DO have money, or just thinking nice thoughts on their behalf are also things that are worth doing.

The Artist Statements of the Old Masters (actual lol):

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Are you in Chicago? Will you be in Chicago on August 21st? Go hear Kate Harding read at Women and Children First Bookstore! Also, what a good time to buy a copy of Asking For It!

This is the first paragraph of the Spectator‘s review of a new book about Dusty Springfield, which is…an interesting choice:

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Email from my daughter’s grandmother in response to my report that “Yesterday at preschool, Mason hit Amelia with the Talking Stick for being too loud, she has a bump on her head”:

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Oh, hellllllll no:



b) Screen Shot 2015-08-05 at 7.26.44 PMc) Screen Shot 2015-08-05 at 7.30.20 PM


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