Posts tagged “james joyce”

  1. Say you're me. (Sorry for the frizzy hair and insomnia.) You wrote your college thesis on anti-Semitism and male menstruation in James Joyce's Ulysses. Not only would you be the coolest cat in Cooltown; you'd also be the perfect fit for Bloomsday, Dublin's annual James Joyce extravaganza.

  2. Lily, the caretaker’s daughter, was literally run off her feet. Hardly had she pushed one gentleman into the little pantry behind the office and tried to take a bite out of him than the wheezy hall-door bell clanged again. Animal memory made her try to scamper along the bare hallway and let in another guest, but the one she’d bitten thrust her away from himself so hard that she landed on her back and

  3. Previously: Every French novel ever. 1. Fleeing The Impoverished, Drunken Countryside For Dublin 2. The Estate Decays 3. A Man Laughs Unhappily 4. We Do Not Speak That Name In These Parts, Stranger 5. The Landlord Pays A Visit But Does Not Sit Down 6. The Boy Sickens 7. THE ENGLISH 8. Poor In Material Goods But Rich In Sweeping Vistas Of The Hills And Also The Sea, My Son 9. Do You Know What Would Be Very Sad? So Many Things; Let's…