“Cherry Jones, At the Peak of Her Powers” -The Toast

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There’s a lengthy and fascinating conversation with the deliciously talented Cherry Jones in this week’s New York Times Magazine, marred only slightly by Alex Witchel’s slight preoccupation with Jones’ shocking willingness to look like a middle-aged woman on-camera:

A.W.: When you were doing “Doubt,” you would tie your nun’s bonnet in such a way to make a double chin that you don’t have. What does vanity mean to you? Because you are so willing to ditch it.

C.J.: I’ve had really good luck with my looks. I had them when I needed them but never too much that I couldn’t obliterate them with great ease when I didn’t. I have this ridiculous big round moon-pie face and this kooky smile and no eyes left whatsoever. When I smile, they’re nothing but slits anymore. When I meet people for the first time — in Maine for example, I was just there with my sister at this honky-tonk one night, and someone said, “What do you do?” And I said, “I’m an actress.” They always look kind of sad at me because I don’t think they really believe I’ve ever had an acting job, because I don’t look like what most people think an actress should look like. I’ve always rather enjoyed that.

A.W.: I think your face is beautiful. But when you did “24” and there was a camera right in it, did you feel O.K. about that?

Apart from that, which Jones handled very well, there’s an intriguing moment in which Jones matter-of-factly states that her father, like Jones herself, was probably gay, despite being married to her mother until his death, and another in which she disappointingly and classily elects not to dish about her former partner, the almost-as-talented Sarah Paulson. Go read.

Then watch this gushy fan video to remind yourself of all the different places you’ve seen Cherry Jones:

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