Your Weekly Influence Summary is now available! Klout believes you are influential about travel. Please do not let Klout down in its high opinion of you.
A reminder that a failure to influence others may result in the loss of Klout Perks!
A reminder that if you do not claim your latest Klout Perk! by Wednesday at midnight, it will expire.
Your Klout Perk! has expired. You now have a Klout Deficit! and owe the company one Klout Favor! redeemable at any time.
Your Klout Favor! has been redeemed! A Klout representative will stop by your house today while you are at work and store a small package for safekeeping somewhere on the property. Do not worry about letting her in. Do not look for the box. If you should accidentally find the box, do not touch the box. Thank you for performing your Klout Favor!
Update: Klout feels that you could be more influential about technology. Do you feel like you’re trying your best?
A reminder that you should not be looking for the box.
The Updated Klout Rolls Out Today! During the past several months, we’ve focused on making updates to improve the accuracy, functionality, and ability of Klout. Today, we’re proud to launch major updates to the Klout Score and new product features. These upgrades are an important step toward helping everyone discover and be recognized for their influence. One way you can show your influence is to walk out of the meeting you’re in right now. That’s right. Close your laptop. Don’t answer any of their questions. Don’t worry about reading the rest of this email. You’ll know what to do next.
Your Klout Score has gone up. You are now eligible for a Klout Surprise! You have 42 hours to surprise us.
Reminder: there is a tide in the affairs of men, which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune.
Thank you for being a part of the Klout community! If you ever have questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us at
Update: Scientists have reported that the moon appears to be growing slightly but distinctly larger. Not closer. Just larger. This should not affect your Klout Score.
Update: Your latest Klout Perk! is now available. Your Klout Perk! is that you get to perform another Klout Favor! Sign into Klout now to receive further instructions.
A reminder that it is forbidden for a member with a Klout Score above 70 to speak to anyone without a Klout account. Failure to observe this rule will result in additional Klout Perks!
Update: You have received a Klout Change! Something in your house will be very different when you get home tonight. What do you think it is?
Mallory is an Editor of The Toast.