“Leader of the Pack,” The Shangri-Las -The Toast

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After collapsing into a post-baby-travel-day stupor at my mom’s house last night (all the Gravol, none of the vomiting!), I found myself “watching television,” as opposed to “watching individual shows,” which I think is the most salient difference between not-having and having a DVR-like device.

If you have a DVR, you record shows and watch them, and if you don’t, you’re more prone to just trance-ing out and flipping through the channels. NOTE: The Golden Age of Television we currently inhabit is a very, very limited phenomenon.

At any rate, Mary Wilson was hosting 60s GIRL GROOVES on PBS, and it was the most incredible thing imaginable for very tired people. To wit, this, the most delightful performance of “Leader of the Pack” on I’ve Got a Secret, featuring two human-looking brunettes, a blonde doing something with her hair that could easily become big next year, and…ROBERT GOULET ON A MOTORCYCLE. Enjoy.

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